Ciriano Perez gives thanks because we were drowning in the lake but my piggies saved us.
Zumpango, December 4, 1950
San Francisco de Asís
Ciriano Perez gives thanks because we were drowning in the lake but my piggies saved us.
Zumpango, December 4, 1950
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
I dedicate this exvoto to Saint Francis of Assisi in gratitude for the evolution of the Godzilla movies, one of my favorite movie monsters. The latest movies have recovered the essence of the character, and I think they are going in right direction to show his grandeur and splendor.
Luis Flores \ Mexico
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
Thank you Lord for saving my dog and for the neighbor didn’t kill him for tacos. One day I couldn’t find him, and all our family went searching for him. We thought he had been caught for tacos but good thing it wasn’t so and he only walked around the streets. Thank you very much.
Retablo by Carl W. Jones
James Eddy gives infinite thanks to San Francisco de Assisi, the patron saint of animals, for saving him from a ferocious cougar.
September 27, Covid-21
SF, Ca.
Retablo by James H. Eddy
Regino Suarez wanted to impress his neighbor and climbed a pole to save a cat. He’s infinitely thankful, with this retablo, to Saint Francis because he didn’t fell down, although he got scratched all over, but the girl granted him her friendship.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Saint Francis, thank you for your favors. I remember when I met Damian he was a very timid boy. I told him that he has a baby-face, but it turned out that he was the same age as me. He was very shy, and when I talked with him he went beet red. One time some University fellows invited us to a party. Most of them brought their girlfriends. Damian asked me why I didn’t bring mine. I told him that I don’t like women. Then he said “What a coincidence, neither do I”. That’s how we became a couple. I thank for having fallen in love.
Osvaldo Gomez, 1966
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández
I saw that a storm was about to start, and I ran to shelter the animals because my husband slept like a log. I got them under the roof but couldn’t ran to the house myself because a heavy rain with hail broke out. So I made myself comfortable among the animals, and I must confess, I have never slept so good as that nigh. I give thanks to Saint Francis because now when I really need to rest I come to sleep with them, as far as possible from my husband snoring.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I thank Saint Francis of Assisi for the tv-show “Ultraman”. When I was young, this program inspired me to be positive and to fight for what is right, even against overwhelming opponents.
Jaime Rodriguez, Mexico City
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
Maria Jose thanks Saint Francis, saint patron of the animals, because, although Quintilliano died last year, she still enjoys the company of Kokoro, Pepino and Señor.
Retablo by María José Ramírez
Rosa Gutierrez brings the present retablo to Saint Francis thanking him because her doggy brought four puppies into the world. They are very cute, and she’s already found them homes.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I was coming back from fishing in my boat when I accidentally got myself into a part of lake I didn’t know well. Suddenly I stumbled upon three huge crocodiles. I got very scared because I had nothing to defend myself. That’s why I implored Saint Francis of Assisi for help, and then, by a miracle, those dangerous animals went away. I give thanks for that.
Rufino Villanueva — Tabasco, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Gumersinda Cañete’s heifer got sick with a bad indigestion. No remedy would help it, so she implored Saint Francis, and the heifer was cured. She brings this retablo giving thanks for such a particular favor.
Puebla, 1915
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Juan Puntes thanks to St. Francis for the fact that when he was walking and suddenly the local idiots began to burn plastic, Marat Guelman took him home. He did not inhale the poison.
Montenegro, 2015
Retablo by Sasha Makarska