Virgin of Guadalupe

In 2020, I was on vacation in Tulum. When I was swimming underwater near the corals, a monster fish appeared. I instinctively began to kick with my legs, and that moment I prayed the Brow-skin Girl of Tepeyac who calmed me down. And when the fish was about to bite me, it turned around and went away. I testify about what happened in the town of Tulum, Mexico, in the month of July, the year 2020.

Joe Fernandez

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Daniel thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving him from dying during a dangerous heart surgery when he was between life and death. He brings this testimony as his gratitude for the received favor.

January 25, 1999
Tacubaya, Mexico City

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Virgin of Guadalupe, bless these great women, the Patronesses of Amatlan, Veracruz, and help so they could keep help all the immigrants who cross this country in search of the American dream putting themselves in many dangers, with the hope to get to their destiny. Only God and they know why they leave their homes and families. For a better future. Protect them, this humble neighborhood painter wholeheartedly asks you.

A. V. R. — Mexico City, 2014
May these women be blessed!

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Thank you Virgin of Guadalupe for letting me live this difficult but passionate profession.

Black Sabbath

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I dedicate the present retablo to Our Lady of Guadalupe for Frida Kahlo’s great talent. Her paintings made her one of the most important Mexican artists of the 20th century.

Mexico City

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Virgin of Guadalupe, may you be blessed for letting me to be triumphant here in the circus performing my deadly act with the lion after falling down in an attempt. Here I’m giving you thanks.

Lupe N. The Untamable
Mexico, 1997

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Virgin of Guadalupe, we entrust you our son Tereso who is going to the capital to work as an artist, he says.

Sosimo and Julia Montes

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We were taken to Mars, we lived there for some time. Thanks for returning.

I testify for such a great miracle. On August 21, 1995, I was disputing the national welterweight title with Black Executioner. I was about to surrender because of pain, when I implored the intercession of the Tepeyac Mother. She gave me firmness to pull myself up and come out victorious.

La Incognita (Mystery), Pachuca, Mexico, 1996

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Bad thing happened with a boy Juanito Sanchez. He was working at this sandwich place and he was hit by a car that nailed him to the kiosk. Seeing that tragedy, his mom implored you, Virgin of Guadalupe, so that you’d save him from this tragedy.


It was a cloudy evening, and it was blowing hard. My wife had to give birth bolero due, but we lived far from the town. Our pickup truck broke down half the way. My wife had a terrible pain, and I carried her over the hills with the strong wind blowing me in the face. Our little daughter Teresita was behind us in the darkness without seeing where to go. I was exhausted, Josefina was in a lot of pain. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I invoked the Virgin of Guadalupe, and she gave me strength to go on on and get to the town. My son is called Lupe. I dedicate this retablo for her miracle.

Jasinto N., 1968

Modesto Perez, an animal tamer by profession, I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for nothing bad happened to me when an elephant went mad. I was in deadly danger, but entrusted myself to her and here I am alive to tell her thanks.

Circus “Cosmos”, Mexico, 1950

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In sign of gratitude to the image of the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe for saving Natalia Silveti’s life in the attack on the twin towers happened on September 11, 2001.

Chicago, Illinois