Virgin of Guadalupe

There was a never-seen animal living on a tree. Protect it from the people.

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Pedro gives infinite thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe for letting him return back to Mexico safe and sound after he was beating till unconscious in the Arizona desert when the immigration police caught him trying to cross the US border only to earn some dollars to support his family.

January 25, 2001

To the Virgin of Guadalupe I give thanks for having recovered my first place in the school that I had lost since Juanita came, but now I’m the best once again.

March 5, 1967

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Sr. Pantaleon thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe because his agaves gave a lot of pulque. He sold it and got enough coin to marry Maria and live happy together with her.

October 11, 1985
Tláhuac, Mexico City

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Happy and thankful, I dedicate the present retablo to you, Virgin of Guadalupe, because viagra appeared in my life and this painful illness disappeared. Now I can satisfy my wife in bed as she likes it. My marriage is saved. In my age, I tried viagra, and we both enjoyed pleasure of it. We are very happy in our intimate life. Viva la Viagra!

Señor Chan
Santa Fe, Mexico City, 1999

Thank you Virgin of Guadalupe for my son and I are together again. We were separated by the zero tolerance policy—he was sent to Texas and I was deported. I asked to protect him and to let me come back for him. And that happened 49 days later.

Grateful Honduran, 9–8–2018

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I escaped safe from my encounter with a mad sorcerer.

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Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for granting us the joy of sharing our love as God wishes. Bless our way now and for ever.

She and I — Mexico, Tenochtitlan — December 2000

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What a joy to come to play with my loyal friend. Thanks.

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I, Anastacio Rodriguez C., thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for helping me to achieve the dream of my life to go to the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro to look how the juicy Brazilian girls dance samba. I had been saving money for ten years, and it was worth it. I went as an organ-grinder to the south of the continent.

March 4, 2000

Señor Pedro and his son Antonio thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because they got a lot of pulque for their agaves. They bring this retablo for the received favor.

October 11, 1985

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Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for giving them the opportunity to cross the wall and to make their dreams of the family reunion and surviving together in California come true. It’s «chilango» who asked you to protect them.

Mexico City
December 2009
Bless their way

The Border Fence
Sign: «God lives without borders»
Chilango is a Mexican slang demonym for residents of Mexico City.

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To you, Miraculous Virgin of Guadalupe, I offer this retablo thanking for saving my tit when I accidentally got it in my mortar while grinding corn. I was in a terrible pain but you helped me. I also thank you, Saint Paschal Baylon, because despite all this my mole wasn’t bitter and everyone liked it. I give thanks for this favor.

Agustina Perez—Puebla de los Angeles—August 17, 1937