Virgin of Zapopan

My beauty drove the men mad. One day Rodrigo and Martin got in a fight over me and almost killed each other. I didn’t want to be a cause of troubles so I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan. She worked the miracle, and Rodrigo fell in love with another girl. And I began dating Martin, whom I always liked more.

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I’m standing before you, Holy Virgin, with a deadly wound in my heart that was caused by a heartless woman who rejected my sincere love. I thank you for bringing me peace and healing, little by little, the wounds of my poor heart that might love again someday.

Cristobal Zambrano

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Granddaughter of doña Cleotilde Ramos is a very restless child. And at her birthday she spilt on herself the boiled stew that was on the stove. Her grandmother thanks the Virgin because her granddaughter Marianita didn’t burn herself very badly and they were able to celebrate her birthday.

I was very fat, and my cousins told me that I’d never get married. But I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan, and thanks to her Antonio began to pay me attention. We are going to get married shortly after our engagement, because he’s telling I’m the prettiest girl in the town. And I believe him.

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My grandmother’s ghost began to appear every night at the sewing machine. First I was scared, but then I understood that she came to help me with sewing. I had a lot of work to do and I was very tired. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for this amazing miracle.

One night my husband Filemon began snoring, and he snored ever since. I couldn’t sleep because of his noisy concert, and I even started thinking about the divorce. But then I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan, who saved my marriage because suddenly Filemon stopped snoring.

My children’s socks disappeared in a suspicious and alarming way—there was only one sock missing in every pair. I didn’t know what to do. I bought them more socks, but some time later they also had only one sock from every pair. But then, one night, I heard some noises from under the bed. I looked there and I saw blue demons, who turned out to be responsible for the socks disappearance. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for an idea to sprinkle the holy water under the beds. Now my kids have entire pairs of socks because the demons went away in fright.

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Our daughter came to visit us and brought her fiancé. We got scared and had a nervous breakdown when we saw her with some odd freak who besides was a musician. We thank the Virgin of Zapopan because fortunately he turned out to be very conservative and serious young man who planned to become an accountant. We offer this retablo to the Holy Virgin.

A strong wind, as it was sent to us by the demons, took my children, me and even our dog in the air and threw us far away. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because we didn’t get hurt thanks to her divine protection.

One night some martians landed on my farm. They got in my bedroom through the window. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for they didn’t abduct me or my dog that didn’t even wake up. One of my slippers is all they took. They though it was a very valuable object.

My horse got out of control and broke into a gallop. It wouldn’t stop, and I thought the horse would kill me. Thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan the Manuel Martinez’ son managed to stop it and save me. I thank with this retablo.

July 25, 1965

Retablo by

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The Morales sisters were coming back from the market and met some martians in an alley. The martians said something with their high pitch voices. The sisters got scared, dropped their baskets and ran away. However, the curiosity brought them back. They looked at the alley and saw the martians eating the dropped food with joy. The sisters are thankful to the Virgin of Zapopan because the extraterrestrials didn’t abduct them and were merely hungry.

July 30, 1958, the devil got inside my body, and I was going to kill my husband with the kitchen knife. But the Virgin of Zapopan held my arm from doing such a thing. I give thanks.