Virgin of Zapopan

A squirrel invasion was eating fruits from my trees, and I didn’t know how to get rid of them. I prayed the Virgin of Zapopan so she would drive them away. The generous Virgin made a miracle, and the squirrels went to invade the Nicanor Ramos’ garden and never came back.

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I was hanging my laundry on when my daughter went to the river and was taken by the current. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because a dog appeared from nowhere and brought my daughter to the shore. After that the dog ran away. I know that dog was an angel sent by the Virgin to save my daughter.

I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because I can support, feed and even sometimes spoil my cats. And they give me their love and keep me company.

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At a Christmas party, when one girl was about to break piñata but hit Adalberto Duran in the head instead. She smashed his face, and his mother was very scared seeing his son covered in blood. She prayed the Virgin of Zapopan so that her son wouldn’t became stupid after such a blow and wouldn’t lose his mind. The Virgin heard her prayers, and Adalberto got better very soon. He feels alright now.

Rosario and Lurdes decided to go out of the town and sell tamale and atole to all coming guests during the town fair. The sales were going well. At night they bagged to pack when they saw a rider approaching them. When he came closer they saw that he had no head. In fear they prayed the Virgin of Zapopan, and thanks to her the ghost didn’t notice them and passed by without causing any harm to them.

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When a three-headed calf was born we felt sorry for it. But it grew up in a heathy and beautiful animal. Although this cow doesn’t give a lot of milk, it made us important people in the village. We are looking best in the eyes for keeping it.

Retablo by

My wife Rosario had the sin of playing cards. She used to go to play to the Lopez every Tuesday and Thursday. And by Mondays and Fridays her friends came to play at our house. She didn’t pay any attention to me and our baby. I thank the Virgin for curing my wife from this bad habit.

I inherited from my uncle Jose his old motorcycle, and having it changed my life. There’s nothing better that riding it at dawn, with the wind blowing in my face, when I drive into the darkness that becomes golden with the sunrise. I dive into it like in the sea of light. The speed gives me this wonderful feeling inside, and I forget about all my problems and my boring life, and I feel like a god. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for sending me this motorcycle and I promise to believe more in her.

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Dolores Ramos thanks the Holy Virgin of Zapopan because her broods of chicken and turkey went very well and now she can buy a cow. She offers this retablo to the Virgin.

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I had few pots with marijuana to make poultice to treat my rheumatism. One day I thought that smoking it might also help for rheumatism. Although, it didn’t, it put me in very good mood and even food tasted better. So I kept smoking every day until once I saw that my cats had wings and were smiling at me. That day I stopped smoking. My cats turned back to be normal, and now I only prepare poultice with marijuana.

My poor cat had a bad luck to be a black one. Being rejected by the people he had developed shyness and had become very insecure—with the female cats as well. Lately he fell in love and completely lost his head over the kitty of our new neighbor. It was painful to see how insecure he was trying to conquer her. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because the kitty responded to him and now they are a happy couple.

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I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because my dog Casilda accepted stray kittens that came to my garden. The dog even licks them and let them climb on her, so I could give them milk and pet these poor abandoned animals.

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A strange being took my wife from the bed while she was sleeping. I tried to kick it but couldn’t get it. I prayed the Virgin of Zapopan for help, and thanks to her the being dropped my wife.