— tagged with “animals”

Our mule had always been very docile. But one day when we were going to San Miguel to sell our flowers it got stubborn and refused to walk. More we pushed him, more he resisted. Then we asked Saint Francis for help. And he must have whispered something into the mule’s ear because suddenly the mule began to walk very lively as if nothing had happened. We thank Saint Francis for that miracle.

I went to walk with my daughter near the forest at dawn. I noticed how we got surrounded by coyotes. I took my girl and entrusted ourselves to the Virgin of Guadalupe, because the animals seemed to be hungry. With the Virgin’s protection I walked slowly through the coyotes. They didn’t attack, so I was able to go away from there. I thank for this miracle with this retablo.

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My daughter was coming back from school and met an angry rabid dog. The dog started barking. My girl was scared and thought the dog was going to attack her. But thanks to Saint Quiteria the dog only barked and ate the cookies that my daughter had for her lunch-break. Then the dog left. We thank Saint Quiteria for this miracle because that dog had already bitten many people.

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because I can support all my dogs and even help to all stray dogs that come to my doors guided by the Virgin. I thank for all love I receive from the animals in gratitude.

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Catarino Chavez was carrying wineskins with aguamiel near Cholula when he got caught in a strong thunderstorm. He was passing under a black cherry tree when a lighting struck into it. Catarino entrusted himself to the Virgin of Guadalupe. Neither he nor his donkeys got hurt. He thanks for that with the retablo.


My son Ramiro used to smoke marijuana a lot. I prayed to the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving him from this terrible vice. One day he saw flying cats. They tried to talk with him. It scared him so much, he doesn’t even think to smoke now. I thank for that miracle.

April 30, 1980, a frightened lion jumped on me. In this danger, I implored the Virgin of Guadalupe. I managed to tame him and the lion didn’t do me any harm. It all ended well.

Seferino — It happened in the “Atayde” circus in Mexico

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It was late at night, when me and my husband were coming home from our friend Jose Luis. Suddenly a witch riding the animal related to her, that was a pig, appeared to us. I was scared. I closed my eyes and started praying to the Virgin of San Juan. She worked the miracle, and the witch passed without seeing us. She didn’t cause any harm to us, nor put the evil eye. We thank the Holy Virgin.

When I was sick, some horrible demons appeared in my bedroom. They were burning and smoking. I thank the Virgin for giving me enough strength to grab the crucifix that scared them away. They almost burnt my room <…>

The boy Jaime Suarez brings this retablo to Saint Anthony the Great thanking him for finally his parents bought him a pair of hamsters. He keeps them in the well-equipped cage.

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A lot of scorpions came from under the roof when I was washing my son Carlitos. I thank the Virgin of San Juan because they didn’t sting us and we managed to kill them all.

Rosa Maria Gonzalez Peña

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because my cat and my bird became friends and live in perfect harmony. This is a great miracle.

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My wife loves the cats. She brings every stray cat she found to our house. It’s not that I don’t like that cats. But she used to let them sleep in our bedroom. They didn’t sleep, they played and jumped all night. My wife sleeps like a log, and I started to see hallucinations because of lack of sleep. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because my wife noticed the dark circles under my eyes. She locks the cats in the living room now, and I finally sleep peacefully.