— tagged with “animals”

When I lived in the town, the people complained about my animals, because they’re unusual and aren’t like ordinary pets. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because I inherited a country house from my great-aunt. We’ve become much more happier far away from people who treated us badly.

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My children were playing on the beach, and my daughter’s doll was taken by a wave. My daughter is a good swimmer so she dived after her doll. But she got tangled in some seaweed and couldn’t get out. I ran to that place where she disappeared but Saint Barbara made so that our brave dog rushed there before me and dragged my girl to the shore pulling by her clothes. I thank the Saint for such a wonderful dog who is a real hero.

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My bedroom was filled with rats. They came out every night, and I was scared to go to the bathroom because they could have gotten in my bed. My cats though were so lazy, they didn’t catch them and slept all the time. Thanks to my prayers to the Virgin of Zapopan she gave me an idea to ask my neighbor for her cat. Her cat got through with the rats in one night. My cats were ashamed and now they stay awake at night and patrol the house so I have no more rats.

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The night of February 27, 1963, Casimiro Mendoza and his buddy Austerberto went to have few drinks in the tavern of don Venanzio. On their way back to the ranch they ran into the Death riding on horseback. With great fear, they implored the Virgin of San Juan, and she protected them. The Death passed by without approaching to them.

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The Mendoza sisters were scared by a crocodile when they were swimming in the river. I thank Saint Isidor for the opportunity to watch those three Graces running totally naked. This memory will rejoice me on the lonely nights during my long course of life.

When it’s very cold, I take my sheep and let them sleep in my bed to keep me warm. Beside the warmth I receive gratitude from them because they feel very comfortable in my bed. I thank Saint Francis because my sheep are so loving and docile.

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The Garcia Medina family thanks the Holy Spirit for healing their favorite cow. The vet told them that the cow was going to die, but it got cured.

October 17, 1954

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I was robbed by a bandit who took my money and my horse and left me wounded in the field. I felt life leaving me through my wound. I entrusted myself to the Saint Michael Archangel, and then the Padilla brothers, who were passing by looking for the lost livestock, found me. They took me to the doctor. I thank for that miracle of Saint Michael that saved my life.

Puebla — May 27, 1956

When I was riding in the mountains I looked at the valley. And the devil disguised as a snake scared my mule, so we both fell down. I was falling and thinking that I’d die without having loved anyone. So I implored the Virgin of Guadalupe, and thanks to her my mule and I, we both fell into dense bushes. We didn’t brake any bone. I thank for that.

Our piglet ran away and went to the railroad tracks. My son Felipe went to drag it off right before the approaching train. It was a miracle of the Virgin of Guadalupe that he managed to pull the piglet before the train hit them. Thanks.

We were on the beach when suddenly a giant octopus came out the sea and was about to grab Mariana with its tentacles. But thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe the music, that I played on the guitar, distracted the octopus and calmed it down. It listened while we slowly moved away with me keeping playing the octopus’ favorite melody.

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One full moon night, Antonio Gonzalez was coming back home and met two werewolves. They were apparently hungry and started to chase him. Antonio thanks Saint Quiteria for his horse ran faster than the wind and with the saint’s protection he managed to escape from these damned creatures.

Genaro and I began to sell flowers on our donkey. Thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe things went well. Now we have four flower shops and we put our kids in good schools and the University so they could become architects and doctors.