— tagged with “dumped”

Doña Rosa de Hernandez thanks the Virgin of the Rosary for bringing her daughter Marina to reason, so she finally accepted a proposal. She was almost 28 years old and was single, upon the pretext of studying or that nobody from her suitors is worthy of her. She even dumped a fiancé right at the altar.

I thank the Holy Child Alcoholic for saving me from choking to death in my own vomit when I got drunk because my wife left me.

Luis Mauro, 14th February 2001

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The chef Nicolas Sanches was depressed after his wife had left him. He decided to prepare for himself an exquisite dish with rat poison. He thanks Saint Jude because he got scared and didn’t eat it after all.

Cristoforo Buendia got furious because Lupe disregarded his wedding proposal. He shot Juana because she didn’t force Lupe to love him. Juana was wounded to death, but she swore to respect her daughter’s decision, even if she would be killed for it. Now Juana is out of danger. She offers this retablo to the Holy Face of God.

Zitacuaro, Michoacan, 1935

I thank you, Virgin of San Juan, for I found my resignation. For a long time I couldn’t believe that Maria had left me. Although I wanted to drown my grief in alcohol, there was always somebody who was worrying about me. I ask you, Virgin, to protect my brother.

Pedro Mejia
Mexico City
April 17, 1983

Retablo by

At the day of the Mariana’s wedding her fiancé didn’t come to the church, because he decided no to get married. Furious, she ran to the cape and threw herself into the sea. However, after the contact with the water, she came to her senses and she didn’t want to die anymore. But her dress got wet and heavy. It was difficult to go up, and St. Barbara came to help her. A current took Mariana and brought her up to the surface. She managed to get to the beach. She thanks for this miracle and promises not to do stupid things again, because no man is worth it.

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Saint Jude Thaddeus, I thank you for your support. My masochistic partner had a doubt about his desires. We argued heatedly about it, until the day of the breaking up came. However, four months later he couldn’t stand the separation, and thanks to Saint Jude we returned to each other. He realized what he wanted and accepted who he was. So now, before going to sleep, he asks me to spank him really good.

Mariano Larios
Mexico City, 1960

My daughter Antonia went insane after her fiancé left her for another woman. She even started howling to the Moon. I prayed to the Virgin of the Rosary of Talpa, and she miraculously regained her her sanity.

Talpa — July 15, 1968

Because her boyfriend left her, Elisa Morales dedicated herself to eating trying to kill her pain. But she started to gain weight. Her cat and her dog started to put on weight also. They were like balloons. Elisa realized that she couldn’t put her clothes on anymore. So she prayed to Saint Paschal Baylon to control her appetite. The Saint worked the miracle, and Elisa met a handsome young men whom she fell in love with. And this new love helped her to lose weight.