Señor Catarino Pacheco thanks the Merciful Lord with this retablo for saving his life when the earthquake ruined his hut. Only two little pigs were killed in the pigsty.
— tagged with “pigs”
Señor Catarino Pacheco thanks the Merciful Lord with this retablo for saving his life when the earthquake ruined his hut. Only two little pigs were killed in the pigsty.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I thank the Virgin of San Juan because I managed to sell all my turkeys and to buy two pigs. Then I sold the piglets they made and bought a goat and some laying hens.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Thanks for stopping my husband from kissing the pig.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
The pig’s ghost came in during our celebration. Thanks to the Virgin it didn’t spoil our fun.
1975, Rosario
Nothing serious happened.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
A hail storm ruined the roof of the corral. I thank the Virgin of San Juan because my husband, although reluctantly, let the animals sleep in the house until he could repair the roof and until it won’t be so cold outside.
Marina Rios
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
January 27, 1908, I left my three-year-old boy to play alone. When I was back, I saw that the pigs jumped on him and tried to eat him. I entrusted myself to the Holy Child of Atocha and started to throw stones at the pigs. Since I managed to save my son and he was safe and sound, I dedicate this retablo in gratitude.
Plateros, Zacatecas. March 1908
Teofila Martinez
Retablo by Gabriel Fernández Ledesma
Sr. Faustino and his wife Maria give infinite thanks to the Lord of Chalma because their pig kept her piglets. There was a strong epidemic in the village killing all the animals. For this favor they bring this ex-voto.
October 25, 1980
Villa del Carvon
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
I, Cristina Regil, stop eating pork. Thanks.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
The pig jumped on me when I was about to cook it. Thanks for it didn’t reach me.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I was coming back from the Xochimilco market in my boat feeling very happy because I had bought at a very good price five beautiful piglets to start breeding pigs with. My boat was old and quite damaged, so it started drowning because of the big weight. My piglets and I started drowning also. Thanks to the miracle of the Virgin of Zapopan—whom I’m very devoted to—we managed to float until we were saved by a tourist trajinera-boat. Although I lost my boat, I’m grateful that we are still alive and didn’t drown.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Because of strong winds and rains our corral collapsed. We had to move the animals to the house, and my husband was so lazy, he didn’t repair the corral. I couldn’t stand the animals at every corner of the house. Finally the Holy Virgin made a miracle. Once my husband woke up kissing a pig thinking it was me. This made him repair the corral. I give infinite thanks for that.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
We thank Saint Anthony. Although the goat was very stubborn and the piglet wouldn’t walk so we had to carry him, we were able to bring them to the Blessing of Animals.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I thank for I didn’t go crazy when my piglet asked me to feed him chicken and eggs.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández