In 1939, my house was flooded with rats. I didn’t know how to get rid of them. Then my friend gave me two cats. I implored Saint Pancras, and the cats got done with the rats. I give infinite thanks for that.
— tagged with “rats”
In 1939, my house was flooded with rats. I didn’t know how to get rid of them. Then my friend gave me two cats. I implored Saint Pancras, and the cats got done with the rats. I give infinite thanks for that.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
It happened with Cayetana Rodriguez, when she was making tortillas and was sitting naked, a rat climbed on her breast and bit her tit. She implored Saint Paschal and her titty was healed for which she gives proper thanks with this retablo.
Puebla, 1915
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My cat Toto was very lazy, and our house became flooded with rats. They scared me terribly, and I asked the Virgin of San Juan to deliver me from them. She worked a miracle, and on July 15, 1951, the rats disappeared and never came back.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I was doing my household chores at the kitchen. When I turned to mop, I saw some filthy rats getting in, with some nerve I’d never seen, through the drain and the window. My cat Ramona got frightened and hid behind my skirts. Seeing such a great disaster, I implored the Blessed Apostle for his mercy. Then I started to hit the rats with my broom, and they turned back and went back to where they came from.
Ocotlan, Jalisco, Mexico, 1966
Retablo by Carlos Hurtado
It happened with Cayetana Rodriguez, when she was making tortillas and was sitting naked, a rat climbed on her breast and bit her tit. She fervently thanks Saint Paschal for her titty was healed.
Puebla, 1910
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Eladia Torres gives thanks because my cat has chased out rats, mouses, moles and other vermin that wouldn’t left my house and my kitchen.
Queretaro, July 4, 1937
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
I dedicate this retablo to Saint Nicholas of Bari for the talent that the actor Bruce Davidson has. When I was a child I saw the movie “Willard”. As a result, I have a deadly fear of rats. I hope Bruce doesn’t suffer from the same fear after having shot this horrifying but marvelous movie.
Cesar Lopez — Mexico City
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
Lord of the Miracles, I offer you this retablo so you’d protect my grandson from rats and not let them bite him when he stays at home alone because my daughter goes to work. I came to visit them and found my grandson crying. I scared the rats away. They didn’t hurt him, and I will be always grateful for that.
Grandmother Nicolasa
Barrio Norte, Mexico City, 2007
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Doña Rosita Paredes’ kitchen was invaded by rats. She had a toddler and was afraid the rats might bite him. But thanks to Saint Paschal Baylon she managed to get rid of them with a broom, and the rats didn’t bite anyone. She offers this retablo to the saint.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Petra Sanchez was preparing mole at the kitchen when suddenly a rat ran on her leg up to the groin. Petra thanks Saint Paschal Baylon for the rat didn’t bite her.
Puebla, 1917
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Bernardo Martinez worked cleaning drainages, and one day he was attacked by many rats causing him rabies. Bernardo prayed to Saint James and miraculously got cured. He infinitely thanks for that with this retablo.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My son went to visit his grandfather in his village for a couple of days. He brought back a box full of the most disgusting creatures in the world. As soon as he opened the box, they ran out all around the house. I prayed Saint Francis for help because I didn’t want to find art or a spider in my bed. The saint made the miracle and chased all the creatures away, although my son got really upset they’d gone and he couldn’t find them.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
The teacher Ramona Rodrigues was assigned to a class in a school filled with rats and other pests. The children seemed to get used to it but she was completely frightened. She thanks the Virgin of San Juan for she was transferred in another school after all, and even the kids over there were smarter.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar