I met a beautiful mermaid at a solitary beach. She was sitting on a rock and singing. I fervently thank Saint Raymond for granting me this great favor as she was my greatest desire, although she stunk of fish,
Acapulco, 1925
— tagged with “smell”
I met a beautiful mermaid at a solitary beach. She was sitting on a rock and singing. I fervently thank Saint Raymond for granting me this great favor as she was my greatest desire, although she stunk of fish,
Acapulco, 1925
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I took my piglets to the river to wash them because they stunk very much. Suddenly a strong current came from the mountain and took us down the river to the waterfall. I thank Saint Francis who protected us so we didn’t get hurt falling on the rocks nor drowned. We managed to get out to the bank safe and sound.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
A demon used to get to my room through the window at night. He put my clothes on and spent all night looking at himself in the mirror. I was afraid and also upset because he left all my clothes smelled of sulfur. Then I had an idea to move the mirror to the henhouse. Thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan the demon never came back. I think he visits my neighbor though, because she smells of sulfur and she’s got a really beautiful full length mirror.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I give infinite thanks to Saint Sebastian de Aparicio with the present retablo because I could find a good job near my house. Before I had to take the subway few times every day. I suffered a lot with all the touching, groping and pushing and, on top of that, with the smell of the people who wouldn’t bath. Now I’m done with this torment.
Cecilia Godinez, Mexico City
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Sandra Mendiola suffered a lot because her armpits were always sweaty and smelly. No deodorant was helping her. She gives thanks to San Charbel for after many prayers she found a solution using mix of nopal and vaseline. She doesn’t smell or wet her blouse anymore.
Retablo by Blakkie
The police came to the Elsa Camargo’s house because her neighbors were complaining that she kept many cats and it stank a lot. She thanks Saint Joseph for they didn’t take all of her cats away because, otherwise, she would have died of a broken heart.
Retablo by Blakkie
Miss Adriana Telles caught a vaginal infection and couldn’t cure it. So she prayed to Saint Rita of Cascia and finally the infection went away. She brings this retablo thanking Saint Rita for she won’t embarrass herself anymore because of that horrible smell.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I’m very glad since I’m singing in the shower again because I found a very good soap with a wonderful aroma that deodorizes my body’s bad smell after the boxing matches in the Coliseo Azteca.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
Marina Perez worked in a fish shop, and she came home having a fishy smell. Her husband didn’t want to approach her, and Marina felt offended and sad. Then, with all her savings, she opened a flower shop. So now she smells like roses and jasmine. And her husband even offered her to have a new baby. She thanks Saint Anthony because now she is happy.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar