A terrible whirlwind ran over the ranch. Thanks, Virgin, for everything was recovered.
— tagged with “weather”
A terrible whirlwind ran over the ranch. Thanks, Virgin, for everything was recovered.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
The boy Artemio thanks the Child of Atocha for helping me to return hone safe and sound after being caught in the mountains by a horrible thunderstorm while he was herding his sheep. He gives thanks for the received favor.
October 11, 1990
Villa del Carbon, Mexico
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
The Garcia family had the misfortune to have their house destroyed by tornado. They thank Saint Patrick because nobody got hurt and they managed to rebuild their home.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
A hail storm ruined the roof of the corral. I thank the Virgin of San Juan because my husband, although reluctantly, let the animals sleep in the house until he could repair the roof and until it won’t be so cold outside.
Marina Rios
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I thank the Merciful Lord who wouldn’t let me die freezing on my way to USA where I went for a job but got caught in a blizzard.
Arturo Gonzalez Solis
January 11, 1974
San Miguel Allende, Gto.
Retablo by Unknown artist #6
My land became dry and infertile. I was in despair for not be able to harvest. One day the devil presented before myself and showed me how he can make a dry mound became green and flourishing. He said he could make it with all my lands in exchange for my soul. I was thinking about my family, and it was very tempting. But I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for I could resist the temptation. My resistance prevailed with the good rains coming to my land and making it green again. I give thanks.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Because of our lack of money, I couldn’t build a stable. And every time when it rained, my wife brought the cow inside the house so that it wouldn’t get wet. I hated it because this damned cow used to lick my feet. I prayed to the Holy Virgin to get some money so I could build the stable. The Virgin made me this miracle, and now the cow sleeps outside.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
1914, I was caught in a storm on my way to Puebla. I was riding my horse near a tree, and a lighting hit it right over my head. The tree got on fire. I thank the Virgin of San Juan with this retablo for I didn’t get burn alive.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Because of strong winds and rains our corral collapsed. We had to move the animals to the house, and my husband was so lazy, he didn’t repair the corral. I couldn’t stand the animals at every corner of the house. Finally the Holy Virgin made a miracle. Once my husband woke up kissing a pig thinking it was me. This made him repair the corral. I give infinite thanks for that.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Every time when it was raining my wife put all the animals inside the house so they wouldn’t wet and sick. Then my wife went to sleep peacefully, and I couldn’t close my eyes. I was afraid that an egg might fall on my head or the pig would start licking my face. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because we finally saved enough money to build a shed and a henhouse. Now the animals sleep there without getting wet, and I don’t have them around my bed.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
My husband and I were riding to the La Aurora ranch to show her new grandson to my mother-in-law, doña Eulalia. On our way the clouds darkened the sky, and the thunderstorm began. Suddenly a lighting hit a tree just in front of us. We thank the Holy Virgin of Zapopan for protecting us. The lightning didn’t hurt us and only burnt my husband’s eyelashes. The baby got scared, but we arrived to La Aurora safe and sound.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
There was a great drought in the region, an I was very distressed because my land was dry and I was losing my harvest. I asked Saint Isidor Labourer with all my faith to send the rains sooner, and in few days he made me a great miracle. I’m deeply thankful and dedicate this retablo.
Melesio Flores \ Tehuacán, Puebla
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I decided that we were going to visit the grand-mother Refugia who lived all alone and very far away. So I went with my children but on our way we were caught by a thunderstorm with many lightnings. I was afraid they would hit us. I prayed the Virgin of Zapopan, and she protected us <…>
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar