Gabino Tinoco was suffering very much by seeing beatings his daughter-in-law was giving to his son. He implored Saint Jude to change his son’s life promising a retablo. As it has happened, he fulfils his promise.
Toluca, 1934
— tagged with “Toluca”
Gabino Tinoco was suffering very much by seeing beatings his daughter-in-law was giving to his son. He implored Saint Jude to change his son’s life promising a retablo. As it has happened, he fulfils his promise.
Toluca, 1934
Retablo by Flor Palomares
When I was taking my little daughter to visit her grandmother, we were attacked by some rabid dogs. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for they didn’t bite her.
Toluca, October 5, 1959
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Thank you, Virgin of Juquila, for delivering me from this damned rheumatism that didn’t let me walk. I thank you with this retablo for letting walk till your sanctuary.
Toluca, Mexico
June 19, 1973
Retablo by Luis Vilchis
I considered myself the ladies man of the neighborhood, and I enjoyed flirting with the girls passing by the street. But the other day I was fooling around with a blond, she turned around, and, to my great surprise, I saw that she was a man. I thank Saint Sebastian because this embarrassing moment didn’t affect my reputation. I promise to be more respectful with the women.
Calixto Gallardo \ Toluca, State of Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
The Tapia bothers, Aquilino and Sabino, wholeheartedly thank Saint Martin the Cavalryman for opening their own bakery. For many years they worked as bakers and dreamt to open their own shop one day. With the saint’s divine help, after many years of hard work, they made their dream come true, for which they humbly thank with this simple retablo.
Toluca, State of Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
My boy Miguelito ate so much sweets he felt pain in he stomach. It was so painful he screamed and cried. No remedy helped him. I prayed to the Holy Child Doctor of the Sick for help, and with his divine help—also thanks to the doctor who consulted us—Miguelito is healthy. I give thanks.
Vicenta Tellez
Toluca, 1966
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Jasinto Perez loved to dance with my pig Casilda every morning. But she stepped on my callus so I can’t dance anymore.
Toluca, August 23, 1939
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
I thank the Holy Child Doctor of the Sick for granting me with health so I could back to boxing. A Canadian boxer knocked me down very strongly and I was told I wouldn’t be able to box ever again. And then we met at the ring once again, only this time I won the championship. I dedicate the present ex-voto with all my heart.
Juan “The Falcon” Mendez
Toluca, 1977
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I wanted to add more realism to my character from the pastorale, and I had an idea to put more flares. By accident, I put the tail of my costume on fire. I thank Saint Michael the Archangel for one of my companions acted fast and found an extinguisher. If not I would have got all burned because everybody was thinking it was part of our performance.
Carmelo Rodriguez
Toluca, State of Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Virgin of Guadalupe, thank you for restoring my beloved husband’s health. He was dying because of this infection he got from the bullet. Holy Mother, Virgin of Guadalupe, I offer you this humble retablo thanking for this miracle.
Aurora Ramos
Toluca, Mexico, 1957
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández
I wanted to surprise my family so I dressed up as Santa Claus and got in the house to put the gifts around. One thing I didn’t think through is that my dog Rambo wouldn’t recognize me. He attacked me and chased all around the house. I thank Saint Nicholas of Bari for my wife could hold the dog before he did more damage to the house and bit my Santa Claus costume in pieces.
Abelino Torres
Toluca, Mexico state
Retablo by Flor Palomares
During a soccer game, I was standing in the “wall” at a free kick. The ball hit me in the balls so hard, that I was carried away in a stretcher. I thank Saint Raymond Nonnatus for it didn’t affect my virility since my wife’s just told me that she’s pregnant with triplets. I dedicate the retablo for this.
Placido Carrasco
Toluca, Mexico state
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Thanks to Saint Dominic for helping me to win the Toluca tennis tournament in a match against Fernando Sanchez. I was losing 6-0, 6-0 and 4-0, but then my opponent felt a spasming pain in his leg and had to retire.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral