Virgin of Guadalupe

Thank you, Virgin, for letting my buddy and me stay in the world of living.

Rodrigo Hernandez, 1965

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I thank the Virgin for saving me from a deadly sting.

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We thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for the happiness, love and friends we met in your country—nice and beautiful Mexico. We’ll remember only good things about the culture, customs and traditions, and we’ll keep it in our hearts.

From Xochimilco, Mexico, to France
Victoire and Heure di Rosa, February 14, 2002

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I’m very happy with my rooster.

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The Tlatempa brothers dedicate the present retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe because she always protects them at their performances. They are the flying men of the village and are keeping this family tradition of many years.

Papantla, Veracruz, 1940

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Juanito Corona dedicates this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe because El Santo won over Blue Demon at the Arena Mexico. Beside that, El Santo pared for my legs surgery for which I eternally thankful.

Juanito from Tijuana

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I have a black pug dog named Lucky. He fought with another angry dog and lost his eye. I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe because I know she, in heaven, would look after my Lucky’s little eye.

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May you be blessed, Virgin of Guadalupe, for making the miracle for me. Julio came back to me. He had left me for a woman. I prayed so much, and now we’re together again and we’re happy.

Polo & Julio
May 19, 1986 — Tacubaya

I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for they didn’t shoot me when they mistaken me for a bandit leader Tito Hernandez who had rebelled against the government and dedicated himself to crimes and atrocities until the rural police sherif Juan Lobera’s people didn’t catch him.

Puebla, April 27, 1914

Night of August 21, 1918, I was sleeping with my baby, and a fire broke out. A burning beam fell on us but I managed to get through the flames with my baby. The Virgin of Guadalupe saved us, and I bring her this retablo.

I stopped at the Retoño Mansion. 11 p.m., I was peacefully sleeping with my baby-girl when a big fire that took all the house woke us up. Although I wasn’t feeling well because of shock and fright, I managed to get out without burns. It was a real miracle of the Virgin of Guadalupe whom I entrusted myself that desperate moment.

February 14, 1918
Demetria Luna

That beautiful spring day I went for a walk. Suddenly the swarm of bees flew over me. They were flying around and sitting on my body and face. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for giving me patience to stand still and do not move. I slowly walked to the river and calmly went into the water. Then I swam away from that place as fast as I could so the bees didn’t sting me.

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Mercedes Ramirez wholeheartedly thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for the miracle that her husband Juan came back from the United States to spend Christmas and New Year with her and their two little kids. He was gone for entire year, and they couldn’t see him and missed him very much.

Puebla, Mexico