Virgin of the Rosary

My daughter Carmela and her classmate went fishing to the laguna in a boat. But the boat sank and the girls went into the water. My daughter didn’t know how to swim and got really scared. She entrusted herself to the Virgin of the Rosary, and the other girls dragged her from the water before my girls drowned. Carmela thanks the Virgin.

I’m happy playing my instrument. And I’m happier when I notice that my music attracts the wild forest animals. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary for giving me this wonderful talent.

The possibility to dance every day is the best gift that the life could have possibly given me. I love to merge with the music and to feel the flexibility of my muscles and to respond to the sound and to create the beauty in my movements. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary whom I asked to help me to become a ballet dancer, when I was a little girl. And she fulfilled my dream.

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I though the God called me and I went to a convent as a novice. But it happened so my old boyfriend Luis Reyes came back to the town and found out about my decision. The night before I took the veil he climbed to my window. Then I realized that I was still loving him, and we ran away by the roofs. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary for opening my eyes before I made a huge mistake.

All the whores, we thank you, Virgin of the Rosary, for having job and clients and for making money by the sweat of our brow.

Oaxaca, Mexico, 1969

Retablo by

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My daughter Laura loves to care about animals. Since she was little she fed all the stray cats and dogs that she found. She would’ve adopted them all, if I had permitted her. I think that being a veterinary is her vocation. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary because my husband has a good job and we can pay for her studies in the University to become a certificated veterinary.

Reinaldo Castillo proposed me. He went to my mother to ask my hand in marriage. I was afraid she’d reject him how she had rejected my previous fiancé because my elder sister Matilda, her favorite, hasn’t got married yet. Because of her bad temper, she scares the young men off. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary for the wonderful miracle because my mother accepted my fiancé and we can get married now, although my sister threw a tremendous tantrum.

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A flower pot fell on the Laura Rodriguez’ head because of two dogs fighting. Laura lost her memory and forgot her name and where she lived. Fortunately, one of her neighbors saw her wandering confusedly and took her home. Laura thanks the Virgin of the Rosary because she got her memory back, although sometimes she still has doubts about her name.

Gudelia Meneses had to go shopping. Since it was raining and she didn’t want to ruin her new shoes, she put her husband boots on. But they were so big, she slipped and fell in a puddle. She hit her coccyx so bad, she though she’d become paralyzed. She thanks the Virgin of the Rosary for her quick recovery from the back pain.

During the Lupita’s piñata, my son was hit by a stick. His head was wounded, and he was bleeding. I was scared that he’d become an idiot, so I prayed to the Virgin of the Rosary. Thanks ti her my son had no bad consequences and recovered very quickly.

One night I was coming back home from a bar. I decided to take a short cut through the mountain. There I saw the devil goat. I made the sign of the cross and ran away, although I was pretty drunk. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary because I managed to arrive to my house, the monster didn’t slobber all over me and I only got some gray hair with fright.

There were some strange plants growing in my flower pots. They seemed exotic, so I let them grow. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary for I found out in time that they eat animals. I tore them out before they ate my cats or—who knows—maybe even me.

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May 25, 1950, the day of my daughter Maria Luisa’s wedding, she had a nervous breakdown. I prayed the Virgin of the Rosary to bring my daughter to reason. I thank the Virgin for the wedding wasn’t cancelled.

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