I thank my mother Leticia who healed my heart when I was sad with her knowledge and some tea with medical herbs.
With love, Itzayana
— tagged with “depression”
I thank my mother Leticia who healed my heart when I was sad with her knowledge and some tea with medical herbs.
With love, Itzayana
Retablo by Itzayana Tarelo Licea
Holy Heart of Jesus, thank you. I was extremely sad and desperate. My nerves were broken. All because my wife left me and took our child. I got drunk and went to Xochimilco—there my wife and I had met. I began to think about our son. Finally I decided to kill myself and jumped to a channel. I didn’t know how to swim so I thought I would drown quickly. But I was saved. Realized what happened, I ask the Holy Heart for forgiveness.
Plutarco Lopez
Mexico City, 1965
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández
With all my heart, I’m thanking Saint Anthony of Padua for delivering my son Valentin from a love pain caused by an evil woman who cheated on him. That’s why he was spending all his time drinking. I was heart-broken. But thanks to the divine intervention, my boy is back to work now. He’s calm and peaceful now, and I bring this retablo for that.
Eduviges Salazar
Guanajuato, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
At the day of my daughter Dorita’s wedding her fiancé didn’t come, and she was completely depressed. I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan to relieve my daughter’s pain so she wouldn’t suffer of the humiliation she went through. The Virgin took mercy upon her, and then we heard the wonderful news—Jose Antonio, the fiancé, had been hit by a truck and got in the hospital. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for the wedding was canceled due to this accident and not because Jose dumped my daughter.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
My daughter Amalia was suffering of a love treason and fell ill. She was getting paler and thinner with every day, because she refused to eat. I was afraid she was dying and prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan for delivering my girl of this pain. And then, on April 2, my Amalia woke up full of life and started eating. I thank the Virgin.
Dulce Maria Castro
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I was so sad, I lost all desire to live. The my guardian angel came to me. He pulled me out of the darkness and took me to the sky. We flew through our galaxy and saw the light of thousands suns. Before this immense beauty, my life began to make sense again. I decided to be happy and to make everything possible for it. I thank my angel for showing me the beauty of the life.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Alberto Ruiz was depressed and was going to jump on the subway tracks. But he was stopped by a good samaritan. Alberto thanks Saint Francis for he got over his depression.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My life became very complicated. I felt weak and distressed. Then I started to pray to my guardian angel, as when I was little. I wanted him to help me to forget all my tiresome problems. And the angel with his friend came that night. They took my bed, and we flew over the town. I was scared at first, but then I saw the sky over me. It was full of stars. And under me there was the world. It seemed so small. Suddenly my heart got filled with great happiness, and I couldn’t think nothing but the boundless beauty around me. Now I live a full and much more happier life.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Thanks to our Guardian angel who let us breathe in some air when we are feeling the suffocation stronger than the pain from losing our beloved princes who end up turning in what they really are.
July 2002
Retablo by Rocio Caballero
I give thanks to you, Christ the Saviour, for drying my eyes when I was drowning in the sea of tears, looking how all my lovers who, like Ulysses, set out on a journey without return, slipping off my arms. With your light, I’ll find that horizon where this eternal question would finally sink—“Where if not in my arms?”
July 2002
Retablo by Rocio Caballero
Thank you, my Angel, for hearing my laments in which I asked you to deliver me from this painful torture distressing my heart. Thank you for tearing my sorrow heart off. Now I have no pain, no sorrow, there’s nothing inside me anymore. Now there’s only you, my God, in my life.
July 2002
Retablo by Rocio Caballero
When I’m overcome with the sadness or some problems, I have a perfect solution. I fly with night birds and bats at night, trying to reach the moon. I glide with the wind and merge with the night. I thank the Holy Spirit for teaching me how to fly and how to leave the problems behind.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Felipe R. decided to kill himself because nobody understood him. He threw himself into the lake. But one guy saved him. It was a great miracle of the Virgin of San Juan, because this guy became to Felipe love of his life. Felipe gives thanks with this retablo.
July 21, 1959
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar