— tagged with “dogs”

My neighbor’s dog used to shit on my lawn until I hit him in the mouth. So now he walks his pest in the park and pick up its surprises. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for forgiving my bad action.

Retablo by

Raquel Rios and Veronica Gonzalez took stray dogs from the street and not only fed them but also washed and brushed them and got rid of fleas. Raquel and Veronica thank the Virgin of San Juan for the opportunity to take a lot of dogs and make them so beautiful that their friends and some other people would like to foster these dogs and even gave small donations to help in their cause.

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I took my son to Tonala to visit his grandmother. We were coming back late at night. We were passing by the cemetery when we saw some skeletons getting over the cemetery fence. They began chasing us. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because some dogs came running. They smelled the bones and began to bite the skeletons’ legs. The skeletons finding themselves in danger ran back to the cemetery. And we managed to escape.

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The Luis Morales’s cat was bitten by a dog. It happened right after the cat had her kittens. Luis thanks the Virgin for the kittens are all right because he nursed them with the feeding bottle. And the cat is feeling better also.

The cat died giving birth to the kittens. We were afraid that the kittens would die also—from hunger. But happened so our dog gave birth to her puppies. She accepted the kittens, she breastfed and cleaned them. We thank Saint Francis for such a good dog and the kittens are all right.

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My daughter Laura loves to care about animals. Since she was little she fed all the stray cats and dogs that she found. She would’ve adopted them all, if I had permitted her. I think that being a veterinary is her vocation. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary because my husband has a good job and we can pay for her studies in the University to become a certificated veterinary.

A strong wind, as it was sent to us by the demons, took my children, me and even our dog in the air and threw us far away. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because we didn’t get hurt thanks to her divine protection.

One night some martians landed on my farm. They got in my bedroom through the window. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for they didn’t abduct me or my dog that didn’t even wake up. One of my slippers is all they took. They though it was a very valuable object.

A flower pot fell on the Laura Rodriguez’ head because of two dogs fighting. Laura lost her memory and forgot her name and where she lived. Fortunately, one of her neighbors saw her wandering confusedly and took her home. Laura thanks the Virgin of the Rosary because she got her memory back, although sometimes she still has doubts about her name.

My fiancé and I, we love the dogs. We both had our own dogs, but they didn’t get along. When we decided to get married no one was going to leave his dog. But it was very difficult to keep them together. I prayed Saint Anthony for a solution. And miraculously the dogs became friends. Now they get along well and play with each other. We thank the saint.

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A stray dog used to follow me when I took my kids to the school. Then it came back to the house with me. The dog showed so much love, so I decided to adopt it. Now, when we washed it and it got fatten, the dog looks quite nice. I thank Saint Francis because this dog is the joy of our house and it even protects the house.

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My wife began to sleep with the dogs. Because of that our bed was covered with their hair and it god filled with fleas. I began to sleep on the floor. But thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan’s miracle my wife finally got pregnant and sent dogs to sleep to another place. I offer this retablo for the double favor — I have a son and there are no dogs in my bed.

My dog was very hungry because with so many work to do I forgot to feed it. The animal pulled the mushroom soup on the floor and ate a lot of it. But afterwards it got sick. It seems there was a poisonous mushroom in the soup. I thanks Saint Paschal for the pet doctor gave serum and other medicine to the dog and saved the animal. Because the dog keeps my company and I love it very much—almost like my children.