I, Gumersinda Cervantes, give infinite thanks to the Virgin of Juquila for saving my old man. He almost died of fear when he met a headless man on his way back from corn fields. He fainted.
— tagged with “fear”
I, Gumersinda Cervantes, give infinite thanks to the Virgin of Juquila for saving my old man. He almost died of fear when he met a headless man on his way back from corn fields. He fainted.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
The girl Maruja Perez was afraid of spiders. She entrusted herself to Saint Nicholas and overcame this fear. Now when she founds a spider in her room she has no fear. She’s infinitely grateful for that.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Casimiro Garcia went to gather wood and saw a flying saucer. He entrusted himself to Saint Patrick whom he thanks with this retablo for protecting him so nothing bad happened with him or his donkey. He only pissed his pants out of fear.
Zacatlan, 1948
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
When Juaquina Ramirez went to the lake for water she almost fainted being frightened by the headless man. She thanks Saint Pancras with this retablo for he protected her and she suffered no damage but only pissed herself from the fear.
Puebla, 1914
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My daughters, instead of sleeping, secretly went to look on the newborn calf. When they came to the corral they saw the ghost of the Weeping Woman who started to chase them. They ran to the house and got sick with fear. For the next two days they were sharing and having nightmares. I prayed the Virgin of the Rosary, and she worked a miracle. Their fear has gone, and the girls sleep well now.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Herminio Perez thanks Saint Pancras for overcoming the fear of going out and walking his great danes. He is a little person, and everybody used to laugh and tell him that he should ride one of his dogs.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
To show a girl I liked how brave I am, I agreed to do a rollercoaster ride. She loved extreme rides. And I, being at the top, felt terrible. I got a fear of hight and my stomach was upset. I infinitely thank the Holy Child of Atocha for getting through this horrible ride. I promise to be sincere and to tell that I don’t love strong sensations.
Valentin Fuentes \ Guadalajara, Jalisco
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I dedicate this ex-voto to Saint Benedict thanking him because, although I’ve seen many horror movies, I never have nightmares. I’m a fan of the horror movies and even if I’m really scared I enjoy the tension and adrenalin this genre is causing me.
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
The Day of the Dead, we went to see the altars made in the town for the dead. When we passing near by the cemetery wall we noticed a very elegant couple. When we get closer we saw in the lantern light that they were nicely dressed skeletons. We were so frightened, we got sick of fear. We thank the Holy Virgin for curing us.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
I’m thankful to you, Saint Barbara, for blessing my kids and saving them from that demoniac encounter which happened while they were playing. They told me about it when they came home all pale and frightened.
Amanda Carril and kids
Campeche, 1938
Retablo by Unknown artist #21
May 15, 1968, the day of the wedding, my fiancé got scared and was about to escape, but thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe I noticed it in time and brought him back because I wouldn’t like to stay an old maid.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
When my daughter and my grand-daughter came to live with me I was very happy because my cats had been my only company. But my grand-daughter was afraid of the cats. She was crying when they approached her, and I had no idea what to do. I prayed the Holy Spirit for help, and little by little my grand-daughter got used to them. Now she loves them, she looks for them to pet and even sleeps with them. I thank for this miracle.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
The day of my debut in the circus, I felt stage fright and didn’t want to perform my trapeze act. Then I entrusted myself fervently to the Virgin of Guadalupe, and little by little my nerves got settled. I went and did my routine with no problem for which I dedicate this humble retablo.
Carmelo Reyes \ Villahermosa, Tabasco
Retablo by Flor Palomares