— tagged with “ghosts”

Rosario and Lurdes decided to go out of the town and sell tamale and atole to all coming guests during the town fair. The sales were going well. At night they bagged to pack when they saw a rider approaching them. When he came closer they saw that he had no head. In fear they prayed the Virgin of Zapopan, and thanks to her the ghost didn’t notice them and passed by without causing any harm to them.

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1915, in the town of Guejosingo, the soul of my buddy appeared to me. He didn’t stop flirting with me so he chased me. I thank Saint Bruno for protecting me so I didn’t suffer any harm.

Rosa M.

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I was going to Monterrey with the money I got for selling my last piece of land when I was attacked by a bandit. In that dangerous moment I prayed the Holy Child of Atocha, and suddenly appeared the Agapito Treviño’s ghost, or the White Horse as they call it. The attacker ran away, and I thank for that.

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My wife died and left my little daughter and me very lonely and sad, but the Virgin of Guadalupe felt sorry for us. I have seen my wife’s spirit taking care of our girl and I feel her lips giving me the good night kiss. I thank for this favor.

A strange being took my wife from the bed while she was sleeping. I tried to kick it but couldn’t get it. I prayed the Virgin of Zapopan for help, and thanks to her the being dropped my wife.

Marcela and her boyfriend Armando were kissing under a tree when the ghost of the Weeping Woman appeared to them. She approached them and began weeping and crying. Marcela was so scared she got sick after the scene. She couldn’t stop stutter for three days. sSe didn’t want to die because of the stutter, and she got pain in her stomach also, so she prayed the Holy Child of Atocha. Thanks to the saint she got recovered, the fear and the stutter have gone.

Rosa Carrasco used to wake up with TV. But one day she saw her late husband on it. She prayed the Virgin of San Juan, and the ghost of her husband stopped bothering her.

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I married Jose a year after he became a widower when his first wife died on the day of the wedding because of indigestion after eating too much. Turned out that the ghost of the first wife was very jealous. She began to appear at nights with the angry face and scared me a lot. Then I ordered a novena for her soul, and it made the ghost to go away and rest in peace. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because now I’m happy with Jose.

After turning off the lights in our bedroom, strange things began to happen. The chairs were flying around, and ghastly beings with horrible faces appeared. My husband—who fells asleep right away after putting his head on the pillow—mocked me and said that I was crazy. Until one day a bony hand took his feet and pulled him from the bed. That scared him all right, and we moved to another house. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because our new house is so pretty.

When my husband was alive, he didn’t spend time with our daughters. But now, when he’s dead he visits them often and plays with them.

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The Day of the Dead, I made an altar in honor of my late husband. And the Virgin made a miracle. My husband himself came to see it. I was lucky to be with him again, even it was for a few seconds. I thank for having seen my husband again—so handsome and happy.

The Day of the Dead, Gudelia Sambrano met a ghost who chased her. She prayed the Lord of the Wonders and now offers him a retablo thanking him for she got home safe and sound.

Zacatlan, 1925

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On our way back from the grand mother Martina’s house, we had to pass near the cemetery. We met an rest soul there. Ut started chasing us, and we ran in fright parking to the Virgin of Zapopan. Thanks to her nobody of us got sick with fear and I didn’t have miscarriage at five month of pregnancy. We dedicate this retablo.