Altagracia Martinez thanks Saint Matthew with this retablo because being a stripper she managed to meet a politician who has made her his lover, treats her like a queen and even got her a small house.
— tagged with “house”
Altagracia Martinez thanks Saint Matthew with this retablo because being a stripper she managed to meet a politician who has made her his lover, treats her like a queen and even got her a small house.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Señor Catarino Pacheco thanks the Merciful Lord with this retablo for saving his life when the earthquake ruined his hut. Only two little pigs were killed in the pigsty.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
April 9, 1968, the house of Maria Perez got on fire. She thanks the Holy Virgin of San Juan for no-one from her family was hurt and they even managed to save some things.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I thank Saint Barbara for the miracle of my husband (?), our love and the beautiful house he built for me with his own hands.
Rancho en la playa, 2007
Retablo by Unknown artist #10
The Garcia family had the misfortune to have their house destroyed by tornado. They thank Saint Patrick because nobody got hurt and they managed to rebuild their home.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Thanks to the Lord of Toluca for I managed to rent a nice clean room in a decent house.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
My wife and I thank Saint Victor with the present retablo because we were able to buy a big and very private house since we enjoy to walk around the house naked all the time. We were renting a small house before, and it was hard to be naked because our neighbors lived very close.
Retablo by Flor Palomares
When I lived in an apartment my poor cats didn’t have enough place to play and didn’t go out to get some fresh air. I thank the Virgin for I got a house with a patio. Now my beloved cats—who are my company—can lay on the sun and chase lizards.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
May 13, 1962, the Rios Medina’s house got on fire. The family thanks the Virgin of San Juan for nobody was hurt and offer this retablo.
San Juan de los Lagos, Jalisco
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
The beggar Susano Perez went to sleep in an abandoned house. But because of the rain the house collapsed. Susano thanks Saint Jude for escaping alive although badly injured.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Aunt Clara left a house in countryside to my house. When we moved there, we found out, to our fear, that every night at 11:30 p.m., a ghost was coming out of the bathroom tap. The ghost was flying around the corridors, moaning and crying. Thanks to our prayers to the Virgin of Zapopan and tho requiem masses this soul rested in peace. We sleep calmly now and can use bathroom without being afraid of the ghost coming out.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
In eternal gratitude to the EU inspectors who didn’t investigate the spending of 300 000 € in subsidies that I appropriated because I need them to buy Mercedes 800 LT and a house in Algarve which I registered on the name of my dear daughter Aninha, 4-years old.
Timotio Phirmino Browser e Morais
June 29, 2003
Retablo by Jaime Braz
I thank Saint Quiteria of Frexeiras for extinguishing my burning house.
Retablo by Severino Silva