Through my friend Pentronila’s fault, who advised me to make a love potion for my husband Teofilo Suarez who was cheating on me with Chona, a horrible serpent with wings appeared to us. We implored Saint Paschal, and it disappeared.
Juana Jimenez
— tagged with “snakes”
Through my friend Pentronila’s fault, who advised me to make a love potion for my husband Teofilo Suarez who was cheating on me with Chona, a horrible serpent with wings appeared to us. We implored Saint Paschal, and it disappeared.
Juana Jimenez
Retablo by Medora García
A giant serpent came down from the sky and told me a secret. Thanks.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for delivering me from dying being bitten by a rattlesnake when I was resting in the shadow of a cactus. Thanks for I reacted in time and was able to continue my journey, crossing this dangerous desert and getting well to the United States.
Angel H., Puebla, Mexico
March 16, 2013
Retablo by Luis Vilchis
I, Elias, give thanks because I lived in depression and sin. I ended up at the cemetery where I came to visit my dead aunt Nola and uncle Naldo. That day I cried, I cut my arms, I crawled on the graves and start drinking. At that moment, I begged them to help me to quit my vices. Suddenly serpents came out of my chest. Since that day I felt relieved after 8 years of addiction. Now I’m a new person. Thanks for the favor, aunt Nolfa and uncle Naldo.
I, Elias Olea
San Bernardo, Stgo, July 2021
Retablo by Oficio Erico
Some creatures from far away visited us, and also another snake being saved us.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
The girl Luisa walked around with her drum, and the vipers dance and whirl. Look after her, Virgin.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
We went to the town to baptize our boy. The bus broke down and we had to ride horses. On our way back a viper scared my horse, it reared up, and my baby flew up in the air. But thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan he fell right into the arms of my husband who rode behind me. Nothing happened to the baby, he didn’t even got scared because he thought we were just playing. I give infinite thanks for this miracle.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
A horned viper was about to bite my children when they were playing, but thanks to the Virgin they noticed it in time and managed to escape.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Señor Dionicio gives thanks to the Virgin of Juquila for saving him from dying after a dangerous fall from his horse on his way back home when the horse was scared of a viper and threw him off. Now he thanks because he’s alright.
March 15, 1987, Oaxaca, Mexico
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
Artemio Mendosa brings this retablo thanking the Virgin of San Juan for protecting him from the bullets of a peon and playing a dirty trick on himself instead because he was killed by a venomous viper.
Puebla, 1908
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My son Aurelio rode the horse whenever he had free time. But on August 4, 1958, an accident happened. The horse got scared of a viper and my son fell head down. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for he didn’t die nor become crazy, and recovered quickly.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
When Aurora Valdez was dancing with her snake, it squeezed her so strongly her bones crackled.
Veracruz, November 11, 1944
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
Boy Arnulfo Fernandez fell into a pit full of snakes. His mother thanks Saint Nicholas for nothing bad happened.
Tehuacan, 1945
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández