I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for sending into my life such a good friend and thesis director.
With love, Itza
Queretaro, 20/10/17
— tagged with “studies”
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for sending into my life such a good friend and thesis director.
With love, Itza
Queretaro, 20/10/17
Retablo by Itzayana Tarelo Licea
The Perez Lopez family thanks the Virgin of the Solitude because their son won the robotics contest in his school and received a grant for studying abroad.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Jaime Telles brings this retablo to the Holy Child of Atocha thanking him for finishing his studies and becoming an ophthalmologist. The thing are going well.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Marcela Suarez thanks Saint James for her son played American football very well and thats why he received a grant for studying abroad. He will be the first in the family who will make a career.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Señorita R. found a job as an art model for one artist. Thanks to these earnings she managed to get back to her studies again. She brings this retablo to Saint Raymond thanking him for granting her this favor.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
The humble secretary Berenice Saenz needed money. So she decided to earn it with her body. She found her clients right at her workplace. So she managed to pay for her two sons’ studies—they even graduated and became professionals. She bought a house and opened a pharmacy. With this retablo, Berenice thanks the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception for protecting her all that time.
Veracruz, 1970
Retablo by Adan Pacheco
I thank Saint Martin the Cavalryman for helping me out with my job. Thanks to my job as a dressmaker I could support my daughter who is about to finish her secretary studies. I dedicate this humble retablo for that.
Gregoria Cuautle
Puebla de los Angeles
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I thank the Virgin of Zapopan. When I was about to drop out of medical school because I couldn’t take it anymore, the Virgin enlightened me to not do it. I managed to finish my studies and now I feel highly recompensed for all those years. When I help my patients, especially to the children, I feel really happy. I’m glad to be a good doctor, loved by the people.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
A striptease dancer Topacio thanks Saint Jude Thaddeus because she was doing so good at her work she could leave this low profession and got to the University.
Retablo by Blakkie
When we became orphans, I was an oldest child. So I started working, while my little brothers and sisters were studying. After many years of hardworking, I opened my own business. It turned out to be very prominent and successful. Now my brothers and sisters have started working, and I can afford to enjoy a careless and luxurious life. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for that.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
The little Agustin Romero thanks Saint Augustine with this retablo for helping him to receive good marks in the school. Thanks to that his parents bought him a toy car.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Carlos Rodriguez thanks Saint Patrick with this retablo because he entrusted himself to him and successfully finished the helicopter pilot courses.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
The Juanito’s teacher was so annoying that the boy spent all the time thinking how to get rid of her. He wouldn’t study, and I was afraid he would be kept for a second year. Thanks to my prayers to the Virgin of Zapopan the teacher was changed for another who actually can teach. Now Juanito is very enthusiastic about studying and doing very well.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar