Naughty students stole my wedding cake on a dare. We thank Saint Anthony because we got our cake back although it was slightly smashed. It’s a very bad sign to have a wedding party without a cake.
Ramona Lopez de Cano
— tagged with “wedding”
Naughty students stole my wedding cake on a dare. We thank Saint Anthony because we got our cake back although it was slightly smashed. It’s a very bad sign to have a wedding party without a cake.
Ramona Lopez de Cano
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
We were going by the old road to Lagos de Moreno late at night, and the ghost of a bride appeared to us. She was wondering around looking for her groom. We were so scared, our hair turned white. But thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan’s medallions which our grandmother had given to us and which we had been always wearing on our necks the bride didn’t notice us. They said she takes all the men she met and drags them to her grave.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
All my family kept telling me that I have to lose weight. They told I was of at I’d never find a husband. I tried to lose some pounds, but I couldn’t do it. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because, despite my weight, I’m always in cheerful mood, I laugh and sing. Thanks to that the most handsome guy in town fell in love with me. I can always make him laugh and he forgets about his problems. We had a wedding, we are happy, and the love has even helped me to lose some weight.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
The day of my wedding, the dogs didn’t recognize me because of the wedding dress and start bitting it. I was afraid they were going to tear the dress and prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan. Thanks to her my grandmother scared the dogs away, and they left me in peace. I thank for they didn’t tear my dress and my wedding was very beautiful.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
My fiancé went to work to the North. Some time later I stopped receiving his letters. I though he had forgiven about me. I was disappointed and angry. Thats why I accepted the marriage with Ramon Alcantara, although I didn’t love him at all. But on the day of the wedding, my old fiancee Fernando came riding horse, grabbed me and took me away. We got married in another town. Then I found out it was my brother who hid the Fernando’s letters because he disliked him. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because my love came back to me right in time and I didn’t make such a horrible mistake.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
St. Anthony, I’m desperately asking you for a man who would love me and would marry me.
September, 7, 2007
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St. Anthony, I’m deeply thanking you for I met the love of my life.
September, 7, 2008
Retablo by Professor Benito
At the day of my daughter Dorita’s wedding her fiancé didn’t come, and she was completely depressed. I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan to relieve my daughter’s pain so she wouldn’t suffer of the humiliation she went through. The Virgin took mercy upon her, and then we heard the wonderful news—Jose Antonio, the fiancé, had been hit by a truck and got in the hospital. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for the wedding was canceled due to this accident and not because Jose dumped my daughter.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for meeting each other and for joining our life paths by an unforgettable wedding. Everybody whom we love and who love us were with us that day. And even a flock of doves flew in to celebrate our present and future happiness. That is a good omen.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
My husband and I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of Lourdes because she helped us to get a church permission from the monseñor Mario Andrea Arredondo, bishop of Tampico. Without this permission we couldn’t get married since we are cousins.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
Our masters asked us to cook a turkey stew for the wedding of their daughter. We were feeling bad to cook the turkeys. So we decided to prepare something else and prayed to Saint Paschal to not getting fired. The masters didn’t get angry with us and even gave us the turkeys. We thank for that.
Rita & Josefa Cruz
Cholula, Puebla
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Carmen Castro and Jose Luis Martinez got married. They thank the Virgin of San Juan because they had a beautiful wedding and everybody in the town celebrated it with them.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Nicolasa Guzman had a dream in which she was marrying the devil. She woke up frightened. She offers this retablo to Saint Michael the Archangel and promises to stop stealing at her work.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
On the day of our wedding, there were a lot of doves at the doors of the church which is a good sign that means many years of happiness. We thank Saint Anthony for his blessings.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar