Gonzalo Hernández

My daughter’s enemies spread rumors and confabulate all kinds of dirty stories about her in order to malign her honor and person. Then I implored Saint Raymond’s help, who sowed dissension among the enemies. They began to fight with each other and left my daughter in peace. I thank for that.

Monterrey, 1925

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The girl Rosita Fernandez thought it would be fun to blow the trumpet next to her sleeping dad. However, it caused him a heart attack and he was taken to the hospital. Rosita thanks for her father didn’t die and promises to not make such jokes again.

1920, Cayetano Ruiz was crossing the Ovando bridge in Puebla and met the Weeping Woman. He prayed to the Holy Child of Atocha. Since he protected him, Cayetano brings this retablo in gratitude.

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Alfredo Martinez thanks the Virgin of San Juan because he met the great comic actor Cantinflas, whom he admires so much.

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Nobody wanted to buy the artist Pedro Macias’s landscape paintings. He thanks Saint Michael the Archangel for giving him the inspiration to paint ugly devils which turned out to be very lucrative.

The girl Alfonsina Suarez brings this retablo to Saint John Bosco thanking him because her injuries weren’t so serious when she swung too hard and fell off the uneven bars.

Roberto P. used to spy on his sexy neighbor while she was hanging washing out. One day she noticed him and instead of getting angry she made him her lover. Roberto thanks Saint Charnel with this retablo.

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Agustin M. enjoyed having affair with married women until one day, when he had to escape through a window, he broke his leg. In addition to that, he was totally naked and got arrested for obscenity. He promises Saint Augustine to mend his ways.

Dr. Jaime Robledo became a neurotic. He thanks the Holy Child Doctor for finding out that he’s fond of fish. Now when he is watching his aquarium, he calms down and finds his peace of mind.

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Pascual Ramirez fell asleep in the shadow of a tree. He woke up because he was attacked by hundreds of ants. He thanks Saint Elias for he didn’t die from the allergic reaction.

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Joaquin Aguilar thanks Saint Jude Thaddeus with this retablo because he won the town domino tournament with his help. The things went so well that he even found a girlfriend.

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Just before the bull hit Juaquina Meneses from behind, her buddy Cleto Ruis implored the Holy Child of Atocha’s protection. Miraculously, the bull did nothing to her. She thanks for that with the retablo.

Tlaxcala, 1920

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Mr. Benjamin Soler used to see the image of a hanged man every night in his bedroom. Thanks to the prayers to the Holy Child of Atocha, he was saved from this nightmare.

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