Maya Prieto Salazar

Federico Ramirez was swimming in the sea, and a shark was going to attack him. But then a wonderful miracle happened, and a group of turtles sent by the Virgin of Zapopan stepped in. The turtles began to swim around the shark, and Federico managed to escape. He gives infinite thanks to the Holy Virgin.

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I’m happy playing my instrument. And I’m even happier when I notice that my music attracts forest animals. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary for giving me this marvelous talent.

I thank the Virgin because thanks to my work as a seamstress I am able to support all the doggies I take from the street, and they give me a lot f love and keep me a company.

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There were some strange plants growing in my flower pots. They looked nice, so I let them grow. Then I noticed that the plants were eating insect. That was intriguing. But then they tried to catch my cats. I prayed the Virgin of the Rosary to protect my cats. I was going to throw these plants away, but my neighbor, a teacher, offered me good money for them. He wanted to take them to the school because they were rare specimens.

My husband loved to get drunk in a canteen, and he did it very frequently. But one day he met the Huerta brothers’ skeletons there. They had died because of drinking. They invited him to drink for a good life. I thank the Blessed Sacrament because my husband stopped drinking of fright and now only drinks some beer once a while.

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I took my girlfriend for a romantic boat ride on the lake. But at the middle of the lake, a monster appeared out of water and tried to climbed into the boat. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for I reacted immediately, although I was frightened to death, and I was able to push the monster far away with a paddle. Then I rowed for the shore at full speed, and now my girlfriend thinks I’m a hero.

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One dark night, I was coming back from the San Juan fair with my donkeys. Suddenly the sly was lightened with many lightnings. With that light I could see that I was near a cliff and almost fell off with my donkeys. I thank the Virgin of San Juan for the miracle of lighting up my way and saving my life.

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Foxes had been eating our turkeys. Then the Virgin of Zapopan gave an idea to my daughter to buy some geese. The geese bit the foxes and chase them away. We thank the Holy Virgin because the foxes never came back.

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The turkeys in the region were dying from a very weird illness. Medina Reyes sisters give thanks to the Virgin of the Rosary because their turkeys were saved.

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A hail storm ruined the roof of the corral. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because my husband, although very reluctantly, let the animals sleep in the house until he could repair the roof and until it won’t be so cold outside.

My daughter Susana loved when I was reading stories to her. She loved fairy tales so much, she learned to read sooner than her sisters to be able to read them by herself. When I got sick, she read tales to me, and it was wonderful. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for such a clever and caring daughter.

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I was very annoyed because my dogs followed me everywhere. But one day I was taking my proceeds to the bank, and a robber with a knife wanted to attack me. My dogs attacked him instead, and he had to ran away, having nothing but some good dog bites. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary because my dogs protect me very well.

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My children’s socks disappeared in a suspicious and alarming way—there was only one sock missing in every pair. I didn’t know what to do. I bought them more socks, but some time later only one sock from every pair remained. Then, one night, I heard some noises from under the bed. I looked there and I saw green demons who were responsible for the socks disappearance. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for an idea to sprinkle the holy water under the beds. Now my kids have entire pairs of socks because the demons ran away in fright.

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