Castulo Rodriguez was walking to the field, and a flying saucer appeared, with two extraterrestrials who were going to tie me like a pig. But I implored you, and you delivered me.
Nopaltepec, 1924
Anima del Purgatorio
Castulo Rodriguez was walking to the field, and a flying saucer appeared, with two extraterrestrials who were going to tie me like a pig. But I implored you, and you delivered me.
Nopaltepec, 1924
Retablo by Christopher Rodriguez Contreras
Jessica Perez thanks the Souls of the Purgatory beaus her old man Hugo didn’t see Sancho Pepe under the bed. She pays for that with this retablo.
Polanco, 1983
Retablo by Christopher Rodriguez Contreras
Hector Alberto and Felipe Pineda pay with this retablo giving thanks to the Souls of the Purgatory because we are so faggot and happy and quite crazy. Viva el Amor!
Retablo by Christopher Rodriguez Contreras
I thank the Blessed souls for having heard me when I asked for help I needed when I opened my grocery shop. Now the business is growing, and thanks for delivering me from haters.
Sr. Martin Caporal
August 10, 1970, San Miguel de Allende, Gto.
Retablo by Unknown artist #6
Thanks, Souls of the Purgatory, for Roberto didn’t notice Sancho who hid well under the bed. I, Barbara Reyes, give infinite thanks for he didn’t see him.
Mexico, August 5, 1980
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
I give thanks to you because my friend zebra Pancha is with me. I thank with this retablo.
Nancy, Mexico, July 26, 2020
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
Venito Huerta almost died from fear when a two-headed skeleton chased me.
Tlaxcala, April 10, 1939
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
Casimira Luna gives infinite thanks for I managed to marry Claudio the little merman because I fell in love with him and accepted him.
Baja California, July 13, 1942
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
I, Montse Rios, give infinite thanks to the Souls for possessing my cat and telling me that the pie I cooked for my boyfriend Hector was burning.
Mexico City, 2019
Retablo by Christopher Rodriguez Contreras
Gabriel(a) Ramirez brings this retablo thanking for her husband’s ghost doesn’t come to her anymore, because she was very frightened.
Mexico City, 1989
Retablo by Christopher Rodriguez Contreras
Panfilo Guzman brings this retablo to the Souls of the Purgatory because no one has seen how I like dancing with my pig Ququis.
Zacatecas, 1947
Retablo by Christopher Rodriguez Contreras
For all those who sin for love
I thank the blessed souls of the purgatory for meeting this precious woman. Her charm and experience gave me confidence and healed my painful affliction that made my masculine pride suffer. Now I can satisfy my wife without any trouble, and she never found out about my visits to this house of pleasures.
M. R. — Mexico City, 1960
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Blessed Souls of the Purgatory. To them I dedicate this retablo because when we were making love in a chemical toilet at the Corona Capital festival and tried to make a selfie, the phone fell down. We started to look for it but realized it fell down the hole. We couldn’t recover it. It sucked—it was her phone. Uff… Lucky it wasn’t mine.
Grateful Mexican
October 2014
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis