Virgin of Guadalupe

Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, we offer this retablo in your honor for delivering us from dying in the desert when we were going for our American dream but were caught and beaten by the immigration police. We ask you to protect our fellowmen who go looking for a better life.

The Sanchez brothers, Mexico, 2016

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With the present retablo, I thank the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe for Frida Kahlo’s tenacity and will to live. In spite of her illness and physical pain that troubled her all her life, she had courage and talent to express her feelings through her art which remains valid till our days.

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Holy Virgin, help us with our donkey who wouldn’t walk unless we bring him fruits.

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I’m immensely grateful to you, Virgin of Guadalupe, because my faithful work companion, my horse Catrin, got recovered from an infection.

Bulmaro Perez

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My gratitude to the Virgin of Guadalupe because my daughter Yolanda came back after running away with her boyfriend Tomas.

Agapito Mora

Gaudencio Blanco pays with this exvoto giving thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe who saved me from a flying saucer.

Xaltocan, 1925

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Pedro and Juan love each other and are very happy. Thanks, Virgin, we are very happy.

Mexico, November 21, 1998

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Virgin of Guadalupe, we dedicate you this one for delivering my buddy from dying from a horrible hangover. When I saw how bad he was, I entrusted him to you and asked to alleviate his pain and you did so.

Angel & Jose
Mexico City, December 12, 1993

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We are very happy together and thank the Virgin for having united us.

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A horned viper was about to bite my children when they were playing, but thanks to the Virgin they noticed it in time and managed to escape.

Thanks, Virgin of Guadalupe, for looking after me in my fights.


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A spaceship moved gigantic stones. Thanks for nothing bad happened.

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Azucena gives infinite thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe for helping her to find a job as a prostitute to make money for her son’s heart surgery whom she loves so much. She asks you to always protect her in her job, Virgin.

January 25, 1999, Mexico

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