Virgin of Guadalupe

I thank my Holy Virgin for having given me strength and power to defend myself from my buddy Alberto Cruz when he wanted once again to take advantage of me while my husband was completely drunk.

Yesenia Dante, Mexico City

We met in the wrestling and became a couple. We are very happy but we don’t take our masks off to keep the mystery. We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for our big love.

August 14, 1927, señor Encarnacion Tinoco fell gravely ill with tertian fever. No human remedy would help him, so he implored the Virgin of Guadalupe and got cured. He brings the present retablo as gratitude.

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We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because she helped us to get a whale who ran aground on sandbank back to the sea. Thanks to the Virgin we managed to drag him back on our boat which is so small.

April 3, 1967

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The Bald thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe. I got me my tattoos, and I’m happy.

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I, Cristina Regil, stop eating pork. Thanks.

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Tiburcio Maldonado thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving him from a skeleton mermaid who wanted to drown him dead.

Acapulco, 1960

Thank you, Virgin, for saving me and my little son Pedrito during this difficult delivery.

Maria Sanchez, November 21, 1992
Mexico City — Thank you, Virgin.

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I dedicate this humble retablo to Our Lady of Guadalupe in honor of the female soldiers and their admirable bravery shown on the battlefield of Mexican revolution. These women, also known as adelitas, played a fundamental role in defending our homeland by fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with men.


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I had to carry the firework bull at the feast of the town’s patron saint. But they put too much powder in, I was afraid to burn myself with the fireworks. I entrusted myself to the Virgin of Guadalupe so she would help me, and thanks to her divine help nothing happened to me. I thank for that with this humble retablo.

Bonifacio Negrete \ Zacapoaxtla, Puebla

The pig jumped on me when I was about to cook it. Thanks for it didn’t reach me.

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I infinitely thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for the miracle of saving me from dying when my bear went crazy during the act. I entrusted myself to you and got off safely.

Francisco “the Fearless”, Atayde circus, 1990

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*** Garcia went to the cemetery to get drunk. He fell asleep. When he woke up he saw that the dead left their tombs. He was frightened and implored the Virgin of Guadalupe. Thanks to her protection he was able to escape from the cemetery safe and sound.