Virgin of Guadalupe

The day of my debut in the circus, I felt stage fright and didn’t want to perform my trapeze act. Then I entrusted myself fervently to the Virgin of Guadalupe, and little by little my nerves got settled. I went and did my routine with no problem for which I dedicate this humble retablo.

Carmelo Reyes \ Villahermosa, Tabasco

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I was caught by giant birds. Thank goodness it was just a dream.

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I dedicate this retablo to the people of the United States, for all those innocent died on September 11, 2001. Virgin of Guadalupe, send them your comfort, let there be peace and no war, and leave Mother Earth in peace.

From Mexico to the World
Alfredo Vilchis Roque, neighborhood artist

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My boyfriend and I were hiding in the alley behind my house. We were talking and kissing, when suddenly some strange creatures appeared ti us. They came out of the wall. I think they were aliens. Thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe an angry dog started barking at them, and the creatures got scared and went back into the wall.

The elephant Cecy escaped but with your help, Holy Virgin, we managed to control her.

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My goat was tangled up in the wires, and the vultures were going to kill her. But thanks to the Holy Virgin nothing happened to her.


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We were dragged by the current when the river burst its banks and flooded the town. We implored the Virgin of Guadalupe to protects us from this tragedy. I managed to climb a tree and saved my family from dying drowning. More people who were in danger sent to us by the nature were saved. The Virgin protected us. I bring this retablo, eternally thankful.

Thankful family, Chiapas, 2007

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Virgin of Guadalupe, thank you. When I was left without a job and needed money to support my family, I took my guitar and went to sing to the street protected under your mantle. Thanks to you the things have been going well. WIth this retablo I thank you for everything.

Victor Martinez — Mexico City, December 12, 1990

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To my Lord and to the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, I offer this retablo because I got my lands back. I inherited them from my late parents and then the lands were taking from me without any reason as a mortgage. I prayed to you and now I work on my lands again as my parents’ wish. Bless me, Holy Virgin, since I’m all alone.

Serafin, Cuajumalpa, May 3, 1975

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Rita Perez thanks the Virgin for she earns enough money to support her kids.

Merced, Mexico City

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving me from the death when my buddy stabbed me. He was very angry after hearing that I was in love with his wife which was not true.

1934, Jose P.

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On a carriage filled with fish, two peasants Manuel Ruelas and Martin Luk were coming from the port and saw an UFO which hanged upon them and illuminated them with bright light. They prayed to the Virgin of Guadalupe and went fast from there. But the UFO kept chasing them. Then the peasant left the cottage and ran far into the woods. They offer this retablo as gratitude.

Los Mochis, Sinaloa
May 17, 1968

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