I met my opponent at a beach, and we became very good friends. Thanks.
— tagged with “beach”
I met my opponent at a beach, and we became very good friends. Thanks.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving me from being bitten by a shark when I was surfing at the beaches of Baja California during my honeymoon. I’m grateful for staying alive and enjoying my marriage.
Rene Torres, 1990
Retablo by Hugo Vilchis
I met a beautiful mermaid at a solitary beach. She was sitting on a rock and singing. I fervently thank Saint Raymond for granting me this great favor as she was my greatest desire, although she stunk of fish,
Acapulco, 1925
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Thanks very much Erasmus of Rotterdam for the opportunity to use the Erasmus+ program in Barcelona, work at LoCa Studio and also relax at the Barceloneta beach. 2021
Retablo by Bozhena Homonaj
I give thanks to you, Saint Christopher, patron of travelers, for granting me a trip to the beach with my friends. We arrived well and not one bastard cop nor any soldiery stopped us or told anything about being happy in our manner at the beach. Thank you for that, Saint Christopher. We all need to go to the sea.
Retablo by PoxiToxic
Raquel Fernandez fell asleep on the beach for few hours and got badly sunburnt. She’s infinitely thankful to the Child of Atocha with the present retablo because she found out a very good cream that helped her to heal.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Rosamaria Morales was drowning and was saved by a very handsome lifeguard. She fervently thanks Saint Anthony with the present retablo because now they are dating.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
We ask the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe to give rest to souls that sometimes appear at Arrocito beach in Oaxaca.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
On September 11, 2020, James Eddy and his son Felix, age 16, went swimming at Bocana Beach. Felix reminded his father about the strong ocean current at the north end of the beach and insisted they both stay close to shore but James, as stubborn as a mule, and sometimes as stupid, did not heed his wise son’s warning about the currents and pushed out beyond the break. Within minutes James was upside down and ass backwards inside the barrel of a large wave. He tried to swim perpendicular to the current but it was too strong and each time he surfaced for air he was pummeled by another wave. James knew he was in big trouble so he raised his hands high over his head, screamed out for help and prayed hard for a miracle. After several more minutes, when he could barely keep his head above water, he saw Viridiana Martinez Rios paddling up behind him with a surf board and Flora Liz Martinez Rios wading outside the rocks. He grabbed onto the board and Viridiana steered him through the rocks and pushed him safely back to shore. James gives infinite thanks to the Rios family for saving his life that day. This retablo was created in honor of their heroic act and in commemoration of James’ miracle.
Bocana Beach, Santa Maria Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Retablo by James H. Eddy
Thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe who worked a miracle for us and saved us from a giant octopus who came out of the sea the other day and tried to attack me and my girlfriend Maria. Thanks, Holy Virgin.
Juan Hernandez G.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
My husband and I were going through a marriage crisis. We even went through family therapy but it didn’t work. I didn’t want to divorce him but I didn’t know what to do. I’m infinitely grateful to Saint Anthony of Padua because I got an idea to invite my husband to the Zipolite nudist beach for a week-end. It revived the flame of our love, and now we love each other as much as when we were newlyweds.
Diana R., Oaxaca
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Thank you, my Saint Jude, for the incredible vacation in Zipolite that hot summer of 1980 when I met Vero.
Conchita Monjaraz
Retablo by Florencia Pernicone
Marlene Martinez dedicate this retablo to the Lord of the Column for the relationship with Veronica. I was afraid of being criticized and that she wouldn’t accept me since I’m a tomboy, but you gave me bravery to be happy.
Mexico, May 5, 1980
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras