Raul and Carlitos Lopez saved a kitten who fell down in a well. They thank the Holy Virgin of San Juan because the kitten didn’t drown, and now they are keeping him as a pet.
— tagged with “drowning”
Raul and Carlitos Lopez saved a kitten who fell down in a well. They thank the Holy Virgin of San Juan because the kitten didn’t drown, and now they are keeping him as a pet.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Leopoldo Morales fell down in the well and nobody searched him until the night because he was mute and no one noticed that he wasn’t around. His mother, doña Luz, thanks the Virgin of San Juan because her son didn’t drown and is already recovering from pneumonia.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I was on summer vacation in Acapulco, and I went to dive. As usual, I had a bad luck and my foot got stuck in corals. Thank God, no less than the Mexican Scuba Diving Champion was passing near by. He was gallant enough to offer me his oxygen tank, and now he’s going to marry me.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
The evening of July 24, 1953, Antonio Ramos went swimming after eating too much. He had a congestion and started to drown. Thank to the Virgin of Zapopan he was saved in time by some fishermen. Now he is alright, and he thanks the Virgin.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Margarita Segura was a very depressive girl. So when she saw that her fiancé didn’t arrive on the day of the wedding, she ran and threw herself to the lake, from which she was saved by a fisherman, thanks to the Virgin of the Rosary. Afterwards, she found out that her fiancé didn’t mean to leave her, but had some serious troubles and couldn’t arrive in time. She thanks the Virgin for being saved for her own happiness.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I asked for a lifeguard job without knowing how to swim. I thought it wouldn’t be very difficult and I could meet nice girls on the beach. But one day I almost drowned trying to save a lady who, I thought, was drowning. But she was only doing some exercises. I thank Saint Peter because the lady knew how to swim and she saved me. So I’d better sell coconuts on the beach.
Cayetano Dominguez
Retablo by Flor Palomares
April 5, 1950, Lucio Perez was drowning but he was saved by fishermen. He thanks the Virgin of the Rosary.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I thank the Virgin of Help, because after the cruise ship, on which I went to Cancun, took the ground and I had to spend few minutes in the water totally naked, I was saved by the boat “Esmeralda” handled by a handsome fisherman, who became my husband nine months later.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
At the day of the Mariana’s wedding her fiancé didn’t come to the church, because he decided no to get married. Furious, she ran to the cape and threw herself into the sea. However, after the contact with the water, she came to her senses and she didn’t want to die anymore. But her dress got wet and heavy. It was difficult to go up, and St. Barbara came to help her. A current took Mariana and brought her up to the surface. She managed to get to the beach. She thanks for this miracle and promises not to do stupid things again, because no man is worth it.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
My son Ramon is a good swimmer. One day we swam underwater and he got entangled in the seaweed. I thank Saint Barbara because she made me look back so I saw him entangled. I managed to save him in time so we didn’t drown. I offer this retablo thanking for the miracle.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Dionicia Lopez thanks the Lord of Chalma for saving her son from drowning when he fell into the river while playing with his ball. I bring this retablo to you for this favor.
October 11, 1985
Pueblo de Chalma, Mexico
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
Evodio Martinez was drowning when he swam underwater because his leg got stuck in bulrush. He entrusted himself to the Saint Archangel Michael. Because he saved his own skin Evodio gives thanks with this retablo for such a great miracle.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Carlitos Perez fell into the well trying to reach his ball, and the dog, who was very brave and smart, jumped after him, took the boy out from the water and kept him afloat until his older brothers came down to save him. The Carlitos family thanks the Virgin of San Juan because the boy is fine, and they also thank for having such a valiant dog.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar