— tagged with “teachers”

I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because all my pupils love me. They give me flowers, gifts and cards on holidays showing me their love.

Maria Luisa Rodriguez

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The teacher Josefa Alvarez thanks the Virgin because when she stumbled and fell back of the platform she didn’t get hurt for she landed on Felipe Barajas. She also thanks because Felipe didn’t get hurt very much either.

June 6, 1967

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My son was a very naughty boy. He didn’t like to study at all. His teacher couldn’t stand him and was about to expel him from the elementary school. I thank Saint Nicholas of Bari for having heard my prayers. My Carlito changed and began studying. Al least he scored 6 points in the exam, so he might pass to another grade, after three attempts.

Gumersinda Castro
Chiapas, 1979

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The parents thank the Virgin of the Solitude because their children found the courage to report a teacher who used to spank them. So now he pays for his misdemeanors.

The teacher Lupita got married and left the school. A new teacher that replaced her didn’t teach the children at all. The mothers thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because the teacher Lupita felt sorry for her pupils and decided to come back to the school. After all she is a very good teacher.

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When my pupil Alfonso fell in love with mr, I thought it was sweet. But then I saw that he was serious about it, and I got preoccupied. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe for help. Some time later she made a miracle. Alfonso lost his interest in me and switched to a new girl who moved from Guanajuato to us in the middle of the school year. I thank because it is she who will broke the Alfonso’s heart and not me.

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The Juanito’s teacher was so annoying that the boy spent all the time thinking how to get rid of her. He wouldn’t study, and I was afraid he would be kept for a second year. Thanks to my prayers to the Virgin of Zapopan the teacher was changed for another who actually can teach. Now Juanito is very enthusiastic about studying and doing very well.

The music teacher Laura Rodriguez suffered a lot because the girls in the school where she gave lessons were horrible and very unquiet. She thanks the Virgin of Zapopan because now she can retire and with this money—together with her savings—she thinks about buying a piano to give private lessons to people who appreciate the music and can sing.

Raulito Garcia was so dumb that one day his teacher Sonia Corrales lost her patience and hit him with a ruler. When she saw him unconscious after the blow she prayed the Holy Virgin. The teacher thanks the Virgin because the boy fainted because he had worms and not because she hit him.

When the school where my wife used to teach for many years was closed she was very upset. She started to give lessons to our pets. It made me worried, so I prayed Saint Francis. He worked the miracle, and my wife received a teacher job offer from another school. She stopped torturing the poor animals which were very annoyed.

My son Arturo was a restless child. And, of course, at the chemistry class, he enjoyed doing experiments that end with explosions. I was afraid he’d be expelled from the school but the teacher told me I have nothing to worry about and that Arturo is the only one who shows a lively interest in chemistry, unlike his classmates. I thank the Virgin of San Juan.

The teacher Maria Molina always fell asleep in class because she had insomnia at night. The school principal threatened to fire her if she would continue to sleep because the children made noise and were very naughty while she was sleeping. Maria was afraid and prayed to the Virgin of San Juan. And by the miracle now she sleeps at night like a baby and never sleeps in class.

My Pepito was a very naughty boy. He didn’t like to study at all. His teacher couldn’t stand him and was about to expel him from the elementary school. I thank the Virgin of San Juan because my boy changed a lot. Now he’s studying. Al least he scored 6 points in the exam, so he might pass to another grade, after three attempts.

Jacinta Hernandez

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