Maya Prieto Salazar

I was lost in the desert with my donkey. We were dying from insolation and thirst. Suddenly I saw many angels coming to us. They flew to take us to the heaven. But then I realized they weren’t angels but vultures. I prayed the Virgin of San Juan for help, and some travelers in a truck noticed us. They took us with them and gave us water. I thank the Virgin for saving our lives.

We thank the Blessed Sacraments because we managed to bring all our animals to the church for the priest’s blessing.

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The Romero brothers took my favorite pig because I couldn’t pay them off my debt. They were about to grill and eat the poor animal. But thanks to the Virgin of San Juan they decided to drink first. They got so drank and didn’t notice two my grandsons taking the pig. They decided they had eaten the pig. I thank the Virgin of San Juan because my piggy came back home.

Tobias Corrales

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When they closed the school where my wife used to work as a teacher for many years, she got upset. Then she acquired the habit of teaching our pets. I was worried and prayed Saint Francis so he would help her. The saint worked a miracle, and my wife was given a teacher job in another school. And now she doesn’t have this rare habit of teaching animals which annoyed them greatly.

My sisters Carlota and Clara came back to our home town after having lived abroad. They had acquired some strange habits over there, but the worst part was their pets. I couldn’t understand why did they like them so much. But I felt so embarrassed and ashamed walking the pets out with them. I thank Saint Francis because the people got used to them and do not laugh at us anymore.

The fishermen Cayetano and Pascual Rios give thanks to Saint Michael the Archangel because a beautiful mermaid made the fish get in their boat with her magical singing, and they didn’t have to use their nets.

When my husband went to work at the north, I felt very lonely. So the evenings, I started to play guitar and sing outside. Little by little my music attracted all the cats from our neighborhood. They were captivated by my music. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for this big company I have now.

I thank the Virgin of San Juan for I have found a partner who also adores cats. Because I can’t live without them.

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The rats invaded our house. They were running everywhere. Our cat didn’t seem particularly interested in catching them, so we asked the Virgin of Zapopan for help. She worked a miracle, and the next day the rats were gone.

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We thank the Virgin of San Juan because this year we had a huge crop from our fruit trees. All the women in our family were making jam and marmalade. We sold it and could earn enough money for bad months.

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I thank Saint Paschal Baylon for letting me get a job as a cook in the house of good masters. Here I can also raise my son. I dedicate this retablo to my saint patron.

Rosa Maria Medina

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We had serious financial difficulties. We had no money to feed the family, let alone the animals. So they had to provide for themselves. They looked at me with their hungry eyes, and I felt terribly sorry. I thank Saint Francis because bad times have passed. Now we have enough money and I give the animals double portions in order to make up for their sufferings.

I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because all my pupils love me. They give me flowers, gifts and cards on holidays showing me their love.

Maria Luisa Rodriguez

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