Señora Joaquina Ramirez brings the present retablo to Saint Martin the Cavalryman thanking him for her cemitas are so popular she even thinks to open another shop.
Señora Joaquina Ramirez brings the present retablo to Saint Martin the Cavalryman thanking him for her cemitas are so popular she even thinks to open another shop.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
A giant crocodile came out of the river. Thanks for the herons calmed him down and he didn’t do any harm.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for protecting us from the immigration police so we could hop over the wall, got to San Diego, California, and found there jobs as builders. Pancho, my son Juan and I are fulfilling our promise with this.
Mexico, 2016
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
One day I was doing laundry on the river and fell asleep. Suddenly I was awoken by my dog barking, and I saw some martians trying to tie me up and take me to their ship. I started screaming. The extraterrestrials got scared and ran away leaving me. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for my dog woke me up in time and, I think, even bit one of those martians.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
In one eruption he unites birth and death. He is not man, he is not a god either. He is not me, he’s more than me, his belly is the labyrinth in which I find myself, being him. That is a monster. — Andre Masson
We stood terrified, staring at the devil dog with a man’s face. We froze for only a moment before we took off running, screaming and arms flailing back to the safety of my best friend’s home. His mother had warned us not to go out after dark, but we thought she was just a crazy bruja (not an evil one, more the healer type) and of course we didn’t heed her. She had an excessive need to protect her children from Evil. For this reason she seemed to invite it. Upon reading her home we exclaimed what we had seen. Immediately she made us kneel as she prayed fervently to St. Michael for his protection and she blessed us with holy water. I thank him for saving us but we couldn’t be consoled.
1983 — Ruben Urrea Moreno
Retablo by Ruben Urrea Moreno
Because of my overweight, it was always a problem when my husband and I used to get intimate, since he’s thin and I crashed him. One night I was getting so excited I almost suffocated him when I got on top. I give thanks to Saint Pancras because I’m losing weight now. Otherwise, I’m afraid I would have got serious problems in my marriage because of my excessive pounds.
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Enrique Fernandez was shitting under a tree, and suddenly a honeycomb fell on his head. He brig this retablo to Saint Jerome thanking him for surviving many stings, although everybody laughs at him.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Saint Jude Thaddeus, bless my work to keep following these paths of the art, with health, faith, hope and love.
Corner of the miracles, Minas de Cristo, Mexico City
October 28, 2009
+ addition “The artist at work”
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Thank you, Virgin of the Health, for hearing my prayers and for healing my body, mind and spirit.
Retablo by Carolyn King
I loved to date many women at the same time. But one of them remained very hurt and did a witchcraft on me so I couldn’t perform in bed. I prayed to Saint Benedict to help me break this bad spell. Thanks to his divine intervention I was back to be the same man as I’d had before. I promise him not to play with ladies’ feelings anymore.
Augusto Ruiz — Saltillo, Coahuila
Retablo by Flor Palomares
My pig was abducted by extraterrestrials. They kept it for three days. Thanks for it came back safely.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Señora Nayeli thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for her husband Daniel didn’t lose his arm when he cut himself with the knife while working in the butcher shop. She brings this retablo in gratitude.
October 17, 1985
Tacubaya, Mexico City
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
Help me, Saint Charbel, to get more clients. The business is going very bad.
Dulce Camacho
Retablo by Jorge Bonola