The boy Alberto Ramirez was playing under the bus, and when it started to move it almost smashed the boy. Alberto thanks Saint Nicholas with this retablo for protecting him and promises not to be so silly.
The boy Alberto Ramirez was playing under the bus, and when it started to move it almost smashed the boy. Alberto thanks Saint Nicholas with this retablo for protecting him and promises not to be so silly.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I thank the Merciful Lord who wouldn’t let me die freezing on my way to USA where I went for a job but got caught in a blizzard.
Arturo Gonzalez Solis
January 11, 1974
San Miguel Allende, Gto.
Retablo by Unknown artist #6
May you be blessed, Virgin of Guadalupe, for making the miracle for me. Julio came back to me. He had left me for a woman. I prayed so much, and now we’re together again and we’re happy.
Polo & Julio
May 19, 1986 — Tacubaya
Retablo by Hugo Vilchis
November 2, Day of the Dead, my buddy’s ghost came to the bar and wanted to pass some shots with me. I got scared and wanted to run away, but he pushed me down and broke my hand. I thank the Holy Child of Atocha for I didn’t kick the bucket.
Susano Camayo, Tlaxcala, 1920
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My two daughters got into the storeroom where we kept our watermelon harvest and began to eat them. They were eating and eating them and didn’t feel that they ate too much. They felt so bad afterwards. I was afraid for them and prayed the Holy Child of Atocha to help them. The saint took mercy on my girls, and the next day they were feeling better. I thank for that.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for they didn’t shoot me when they mistaken me for a bandit leader Tito Hernandez who had rebelled against the government and dedicated himself to crimes and atrocities until the rural police sherif Juan Lobera’s people didn’t catch him.
Puebla, April 27, 1914
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
Night of August 21, 1918, I was sleeping with my baby, and a fire broke out. A burning beam fell on us but I managed to get through the flames with my baby. The Virgin of Guadalupe saved us, and I bring her this retablo.
Retablo by Gabriel Fernández Ledesma
I stopped at the Retoño Mansion. 11 p.m., I was peacefully sleeping with my baby-girl when a big fire that took all the house woke us up. Although I wasn’t feeling well because of shock and fright, I managed to get out without burns. It was a real miracle of the Virgin of Guadalupe whom I entrusted myself that desperate moment.
February 14, 1918
Demetria Luna
Retablo by Gabriel Fernández Ledesma
January 27, 1908, I left my three-year-old boy to play alone. When I was back, I saw that the pigs jumped on him and tried to eat him. I entrusted myself to the Holy Child of Atocha and started to throw stones at the pigs. Since I managed to save my son and he was safe and sound, I dedicate this retablo in gratitude.
Plateros, Zacatecas. March 1908
Teofila Martinez
Retablo by Gabriel Fernández Ledesma
The clown Tarambola want to show his gratitude ti the Soul of the Purgatory, with this retablo, for helping him in his profession which he has dedicated 15 years to. Traveling from town to town, he brings joy to the children and to the adults who come to see his act at the world famous Muñoz circus.
Piedras Negras, Coahuila
Retablo by Unknown artist #59
Her son was 1 year and 13 days old and he got sick. No remedy, no natural medicine would help him. So she went to the Lord of the Column’s altar and asked a glass of holy water. She pour some of it in the baby’s mouth since he was already facing death. With the tears in her eyes, the mother asked for a favor and entrusted the dying child to the Lord while keeping pouring the holy water in him. Suddenly the baby woke up and moved his little hands. Holy water healed him. The mother brings this retablo as gratitude.
San Francisco del Rincon, Guanajuato
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
That beautiful spring day I went for a walk. Suddenly the swarm of bees flew over me. They were flying around and sitting on my body and face. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for giving me patience to stand still and do not move. I slowly walked to the river and calmly went into the water. Then I swam away from that place as fast as I could so the bees didn’t sting me.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
With Saint Pancras’ help, Cayetano Martinez could save enough money to buy a stereo. Now he has the best stereo sound, to the envy of his friends.
Puebla, 1973
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández