Virgin of Guadalupe, we thank you for not letting me to lose my fingers when I slipped while grinding meat. I ask you to bless this butcher shop and don Joaquin who is very kind to me.
Eduardo Batista
Tacubaya, Mexico City
February 10, 1993
Virgin of Guadalupe, we thank you for not letting me to lose my fingers when I slipped while grinding meat. I ask you to bless this butcher shop and don Joaquin who is very kind to me.
Eduardo Batista
Tacubaya, Mexico City
February 10, 1993
Retablo by Luis Vilchis
Miguel Martinez went through the forest at the dusk. Suddenly he ran into a witch sitting on her broom. He made his horse to run as fast as the wind. He managed to escape from the witch. He thanks the Blessed Sacrament for she didn’t curse him nor did she put an evil eye on him.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I bring this retablo to Saint Anthony thanking him for Lolita has become my fiancée. I was afraid she would reject me because I wasn’t her equal. But I loved her with all my heart. We’re very happy, and her family is glad.
Benito Cruz
Guanajuato, 1946
Retablo by Flor Palomares
The Carlota Valdez’s house was filled with bats. They were flying over her bed and brought her nightmares. Carlota was scared that they might be vampires and could suck her and her cat’s blood and that she and her cat would become living dead for ever. Carlota was so distressed, she prayed Saint Quiteria for protection. The saint worked the miracle, and the bats flew to live in another place. Carlota thanks for that with this retablo.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
July 18 I walked out the don Niko’s butcher shop, and I was attacked by the Joel’s dog. When I saw the dog biting me, I entrusted myself to you, Virgin of Guadalupe, asking to save me and to not let me die from the bites. Don Panchito came to help me. I thank you and dedicate this retablo for I’m safe and sound.
Nicolas Vargas
Tacubaya, Mexico City
August 3, 1995
Retablo by Luis Vilchis
Our dog was afraid of water. But when my little brother was taken by a wave, the dog jumped after him at the sea, without hesitating a single second. We thank the Virgin of the Solitude for this wonderful miracle.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I began to see a strange dream in which my cat would go up to the Moon and I would have to climb after him by an infinite ladder. The worst part was that I woke up totally worn out in with a plan in my legs as if I really climbed the ladder all night long. I thank the Virgin of San Juan who gave me an idea to take my cat to sleep with me in my bed. It’s a much more comfortable place than the Moon. Now I wake up well-rested and don’t see this strange dream anymore.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I was cutting beefsteaks for doña Mari and I cut my wrist. I though I’d gonna lose my hand. I entrusted myself to you, my mother Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, asking to not let me lose my hand. Now I’m thanking you because it’s been healed.
Joel Rodriguez
Mexico City — May 15, 1998
Retablo by Luis Vilchis
We thank the Lord of Chalma for saving our daughter Dionicia from dying when she was bitten by a rabid dog on her way out the butcher shop. We entrusted her to his mercies, and he protected her.
The Flores G. family
Toluca, Mexico, 1999
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for healing me after a dog bit my leg when I was walking out the butcher shop.
Pancha Ramos
Tacubaya, Mexico City, 1960
Retablo by Hugo Vilchis
My twin-sister and I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because the Aguilar twins sing serenades for us every Saturday. They are marvelous tenors, and we all are very in love.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
On the day of Gilberto’s and mine wedding I ask the Virgin of Guadalupe for a sign that our marriage would be happy. When we went out of the church a lot of doves flew to us. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for this sign and for our present and future happiness.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
I offer this retablo to Saint Jude because he saved my father’s hand which he cut when while chopping the meat he turned to look at the legs of a girl. The hand wouldn’t heal. So I prayed you, and it healed.
His son Tono
Tacubaya, Mexico City
October 12, 2005
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis