Virgin of Guadalupe

I ask the Virgin of Guadalupe for this bizarre animal that comes out from the corn field every night and goes to the nopal cacti and then disappears, I ask for him not to be evil and better if he’d go away.

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I heard some noise in the night, I woke up and saw a dead men coming into the house. I implored you, Virgin of Guadalupe, not to let him come to me, and you heard me. Thanks.

Inez Perez, Oaxaca, Mexico, 1964

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Virgin of Guadalupe, I dedicate this exvoto in the name of all those women cowardly murdered in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua. Thats’ why I wholeheartedly ask for their souls to find the glory, for the comfort of their families.

October 17, 2005

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The girl Lupita Corona was bitten by an evil dog when she was leaving the bakery shop. She went home, and her mother took care of her. But the fever wouldn’t go away, and they told her that the dog was rabid and the girl should be taken to the doctor. But the doctor said that the girl was about to die. Seeing her daughter’s trouble, she entrusted her to the Holy Mary of Guadalupe, promising wholeheartedly to order this retablo, because her daughter was suffering a lot. After that she began her recovery. Thanks to you now she’s alright. I bring you the promise for the received miracle.

Eternally grateful señora Lupe Hernandez and señor Jose Demetrio Corona
Guanajuato, 2–Nov–1941

When we went for a picnic, we climbed a mountain and found a perfect place, almost like a cradle, to put our baby in while we were arranging things. But it turned out to be an eagle nest. Thank to the Virgin the animal thought it was his own son and didn’t hurt him. We dedicate this retablo to the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe for such a great miracle.

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I thank you, my Virgin of Guadalupe, for giving me strength to get out from a dark period of my life.

Gina Bonifaz

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On September 11, 2020, James Eddy and his son Felix, age 16, went swimming at Bocana Beach. Felix reminded his father about the strong ocean current at the north end of the beach and insisted they both stay close to shore but James, as stubborn as a mule, and sometimes as stupid, did not heed his wise son’s warning about the currents and pushed out beyond the break. Within minutes James was upside down and ass backwards inside the barrel of a large wave. He tried to swim perpendicular to the current but it was too strong and each time he surfaced for air he was pummeled by another wave. James knew he was in big trouble so he raised his hands high over his head, screamed out for help and prayed hard for a miracle. After several more minutes, when he could barely keep his head above water, he saw Viridiana Martinez Rios paddling up behind him with a surf board and Flora Liz Martinez Rios wading outside the rocks. He grabbed onto the board and Viridiana steered him through the rocks and pushed him safely back to shore. James gives infinite thanks to the Rios family for saving his life that day. This retablo was created in honor of their heroic act and in commemoration of James’ miracle.

Bocana Beach, Santa Maria Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico.

My house was saved when an airplane flew very low.

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Pedro and Lalo Cruz are very happy and love each other. Thanks, Virgin.

21–II–90, Puebla, Mexico

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Christopher Swiggum pays to the Virgin of Guadalupe with this retablo because, after many efforts, I managed to finish my studies in Edgewood College which is the school of evil because it cost me a lot to finish it.

July 10, 2020

Thank you, Virgin, although I have less clients because of the pandemic, I hope to gather money for the Christmas.

Nayeli Camacho

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Thanks, Virgin, for the miracle of saving me and my son during a fire at my house.

Maria Sanchez, 7–Nov–70

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I dedicate this retablo to the Miraculous Virgin of Guadalupe because on my 15-th birthday party, Maria Daniela and Andria performed but at the end of the song they reveled their true vampire identity. Luckily, I have my anti-vampire kit under my dress and I was able to beat them.

Karen, October 29, 2014