Virgin of Guadalupe

Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for sending me señora Malena with whom I’ve learnt many things.

Pablo Salas

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Sr. Damian gives infinite thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe because his piggy was able to keep her piglets well while there was a severe epidemic outbreak in the village killing all the animals. For this favor he brings this ex-voto.

October 17, 1980
Ixtlahuaca, Mexico

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Virgin of Guadalupe, we ask you to rest in peace the souls from don Chucho’s pulqueria-bar.

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Thanks, Holy Virgin, for your help on the Day of the Dead when we went to the cemetery to bring flowers to my uncle Reinaldo, may he rest in peace. Suddenly two gringos fell on the grave because it was raining quite heavily. But thanks because, although they fell right on the grave, they didn’t smash the offerings for my uncle so he could eat properly. That’s why I thank for your mercy.

I was hit by a woman who was looking at her phone, but thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe I was saved.

Lucio Ibarra

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My husband thought we needed to add more variety to our love life. It was fun at first but then he got absolutely crazy ideas. He decided to jump in the bed from the wardrobe. It cost me many bruises, and I was afraid he would fell on the floor and break his head. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because few days later these novelties were forgotten and we were back to our usual routine, without extreme.

Virgin’s image appeared on a tree, and we held a mass. 1975

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Thanks to you I could escape from my old lady who wanted to beat me. I just said that her food lacked salt, and she went mad. Thanks, Virgin of Guadalupe.

Victor, Oaxaca, Mexico, 1969

I thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for the miracle of my life. The cosmos and your intervention made me unique, and I thank you for that.

Puss the cat, Mexico
Tulum, 2019

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May you be blessed, Virgin of Guadalupe, for I got my voice back. I was left unable to speak, and I implored you promising this retablo if you’d help me. You know that’s how I earn my living performing serenades and songs in taverns here in Garibaldi. Look after me in my job, and I promise to dedicate you a cantata on every December 12.

Juan Perez, Mexico City

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Thanks, Virgin of Guadalupe, for healing me from a terrible disease that I carelessly caught from a client. I implored her in such a bad situation, and now I’m back to work.

Merced, Mexico, May 2002

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for giving me tenacity and spirit to win the national championship by taking over the great Caveman in three falls matches at the Arena Coliseo in beautiful Guadalajara.

I give thanks, Lightning from Jalisco, 1959

I’m infinitely grateful to my Mother Virgin of Guadalupe for her favor and help that day when I was swimming in the beautiful Caribbean sea and an enormous octopus with one demonic eye tried to take me. I implored you, and the octopus let me go, and I could get to the coast safely.

Tulum, 2019

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