Virgin of Guadalupe

Virgin of Guadalupe, thank you for saving me from dying of COVID-19. I asked you to grant me health and you did it. Protect all the doctors who are fighting to save lives in the hospitals.

Sr. Moises
Mexico City, May 2020

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The patriarchy won’t fell, we will bring it down

March 8, I went to the streets of San Luis Potosi with thousands of girls and women to fight for our rights. Thank you, Virgin, for this experience full of love and power.

Itzayana, 2020

Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for making me pull myself together and showing me that Rosita wasn’t for me, so I recovered my heart and my wallet.

Bonifacio Alegre

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Dulce Maria Morales’ mother-in-law doña Martiniana used to have anger attacks during which she seemed demoniacal. The father Ruperto told Dulce to pour holy water in the mother-in-law’s tea and to pray to the Virgin of Guadalupe. Some time later she changed. Dulce thanks Our Lady for her help.

Etla, Mexico, 1970

Thank you, My Mother. In your honor, for ever.

El Brazo, 1987

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I beg you, Virgin of Guadalupe, protect and look after me in my cross-dressing adventures.

Lucho, Valencia Lucy

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because Hugo isn’t angry with me anymore because “Chivas” (“Goats”) won 8–0–0 over “Cruz Azul” (“Blue Cross”), and he returned to me, and we’ve just celebrated 6 months together. I gave him a player Kikin t-shirt because it doesn’t matter to me if he’s so irritable, I love him as he is, and I don’t care what people say.

Perla, “Goat” in heart
Mexico City — June 2, 2006

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Thanks to the Guadalupan for saving me from such horrible creatures who tried to take me down to the depths of the sea. I thank for intervention and testify such a great miracle.

Maria J.
Tulum, Mexico, 2003

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January 4, 1931, Eutimio Mora went to swim while he was fishing at the Champoton laguna and had an encounter with a crocodile of more than two meters long. It attacked him furiously, and, finding himself exhausted, he was lucky to entrust himself to the divine image and was saved. He brings the present retablo in gratitude.

I wholeheartedly thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, because I married a gringo Tomas Smith.

Lupita Felix

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Holy Virgin, help me to fight my demons.

Solar, 1999

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Thank you, Virgin, because you made me with light eyes. Thanks to that they let me in the clubs right away, I got a nice job and have a lot of chicks. Not like my poor brother whom you made with dark eyes.

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Virgin of Guadalupe, I ask you that I’d do well in this job until I find another.

Esperanza Iniestra

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