Virgin of Guadalupe

May you be blessed Virgin of Guadalupe for the miracle that Luis moved to live with me. We love each other, although his family doesn’t accept our relationship. But we aren’t afraid to be who we are.

Acapulco, Luis & Jilberto, February 14, 1985

Virgin of Guadalupe, thank you for saving us from a giant spider at the kitchen.

Virginia Salina
Necaxa — July 18, 1940

The night of December 24, 2000, while singing hymns to the Child of God, I accidentally put my friend’s hair on fire. Seeing her burning, I entrusted her to the Virgin of Guadalupe and now thanks for nothing bad happened.

Esperanza, Olivar del Conde, Mexico

I refused to go with a drunkard, and he grabbed a knife and threatened to kill me. In this danger I implored your protection, and you saved me. Thank you for getting out alive.

Concha — Mexico City — November 12, 1990

Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, although we were soldiers, we were also guadalupans, Mexicans so we entrusted ourselves to you. We fought revolutionaries but we only followed the orders. The 32 battalion from Zacatecas offers you this retablo for helping us when we were surrounded. Although we were outnumbered but you gave us aiming accuracy so the rebels retreated to the mountains. I, Casildo Perez, testify to this.

Zacatecas, October 24, 1914

My sisters and I saw a being from another planet in the field. Thanks for he was friendly.

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Hugo thanks the Virgin de Guadalupe for saving him from dying during a dangerous heart surgery. He was between life and death but now he’s feeling good. He brings this retablo for this favor.

December 12, 1985, Mexico City

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I found a baby devil, and, with a lot of love, I made him good. Thank you Virgin.

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The girl Zuzi speaks with animals. Cure her, Virgin.

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May you be blessed, Virgin of Guadalupe, for Paloma and I met on these paths of the art and I was inspired with her glorious ecstasy. Look after her and bless her way because I will never forget her.

The crazy dreamer A. V. R.
Mexico City, February 10, 2006

I brought a mermaid from the sea and keep her in a pond. I ask you Virgin to not let her die.

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Virgin of Guadalupe, thank you for letting me coming through this dangerous sex change surgery. Now I look like a real woman.

Pablo R. “Ivette”, Mexico City
December 12, 2009

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Gabriela Campos offers this retablo to the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe for protecting and looking after her family during an assault they suffered in the state of Jalisco and from which they escaped unharmed.

Atizapan, 2018

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