— tagged with “animals”

Marcela Hernández was doing the laundry on the river when she saw a box with puppies that some heartless person had thrown into the water so that they would drown. She thanks the Virgin of Zapopan she could save and to raise those three puppies and now they are the joy of her life.

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My son Bartolo and I were attacked by some dogs on the Romero street. I was afraid they were going to bite my boy and implored the Virgin of Zapopan. Then my son threw his ham sandwich he was eating. The dogs immediately forgot about us and ran to the sandwich. They ate it and then ran away. I thank for we came out this situation safely.

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A grave illness hit the animals. I asked the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe of Mexico to look after my animals. With all my heart, I entrusted my goats, piglets, chicken and asked to not lose our corn field. Since no animal died she thanks offering the present retablo.

Cipriana Garcia
El Progreso, S. L. P., November, 1954

Jose Romero tried to escape from the prison but was attacked by the police dogs during the escape. He thanks Saint James with this retablo because the dogs weren’t too enraged with him and promises to not escape anymore.

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I was doing my laundry on the river, with my daughter. I was distracted with very dirty sheets, and when I turned I saw my girl had been carried away by the current. I ran after her, imploring to the Virgin, and then I saw a dog coming after my daughter. The dog brought her to the shore. I thank the Virgin for sending me that dog who was definitely an angel in disguise sent for protecting us.

Ramira Guevara, faithful and devoted to the Virgin of the Solitude, brings this retablo thanking because her friend Frida had improvements in her illness and now she’s happy with her pets.

Mexico, 1944

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My husband brought home a horrible pig. It came to the kitchen and began to eat everything on its way. I didn’t know how to get rid of this pig. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe and she made so that pig ate my husband’s dinner. Thanks to that he took it to the ranch of his loyal friend.

The evening of November 2, the Day of the Dead, in the vicinity of San Javier, Pancho Garcia and his donkey ran into a wandering dead soul. Pancho entrusted himself to the Holy Child of Atocha and could escape with his donkey from the danger. He thanks for that.


My wife loved her cats and dogs so much she even let them sleep in our bed. It was unbearable to sleep with a lot of animals. They were constantly scratching, panting, purring and stepping all over me. I prayed to Saint Francis to not show his mercy just to the animals but to think also about me. I thank the saint because my wife got some skin rash and the doctor prohibited to her to sleep with the animals. Now they sleep apart in the sitting-room.

I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because working as an animal tamer in the circus I bring joy to the children and this makes me more happy. Moreover I enjoy the company of my animals whom I successfully trained with love and rewards.

Luis Felipe Marquez Peña

Catarino Telles, Nicolasa Ramirez’ son, was in bad conduiton after being hit in the testicles by a mule. No remedy would help him. Then he was entrusted to the Holy Child of Atocha.The next morning, he woke up healthy. He gives this retablo in gratitude.

Real del Monte, 1909

I thank the Virgin of San Juan because my children won a calf in the church lottery.

Acadia Martinez Lopez

I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving my mother from cancer and our hairless cat from paralysis.

December 10, 2017
Paris, France

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