Most of the time my husband is a very boring man. But thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe some nights he turns into a real red demon and we aren’t bored for a few hours. These hours made up for the tedious routine.
— tagged with “demons”
Most of the time my husband is a very boring man. But thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe some nights he turns into a real red demon and we aren’t bored for a few hours. These hours made up for the tedious routine.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
My friend Camilo and I were coming back after having few drinks in the town. We had bad luck to cross our path with a horrible creature come from the hell. We weren’t sure if it was a demon, a witch or a ghost, but it looked very threatening. We thank the Virgin of Zapopan who covered us with her mantle so the creature passed by without noticing us. After that we set off at full gallop to home.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Thank you, Holy Face, for saving me from a demon.
Retablo by David Mecalco
The Carlota Valdez’ knitting threads always got tangled up. She tried to put them separately but it didn’t help, and they inexplicably resulted tangled up anyway. The same happened with the electric wires. One night Carlota went to sleep and left her knitting basket under the bed. She was awaken by some noises and saw whose fault was it. There were blue demons playing with her threads. Carlota gives thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan, because that day she put an image of the Holy Virgin in the knitting basket and the demons never came back.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
My brother Luis was given cookies with peyote. I didn’t know what was inside, and, since I was hungry, I ate three cookies. After that I had terrible hallucinations with demons. I though I was sticked to the ceiling. I thank Saint Barbara for I didn’t die or go crazy.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Our town was always a quiet and peaceful place. But suddenly a true devil nest with tempting she-devils was opened. The she-devils lured our husbands in their damned den and got all their money from them. We discussed this with the priest, and one morning, when the place was closed, sprinkled it with holy water. Then we put crosses on the door, and the priest performed an exorcism. Those doors to hell never opened again, and we got our husbands back. We thank for that.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I was a very jealous man. My jealousy went to extremes when I saw my beautiful wife reading a letter. I thought it was from a lover. The demon of jealousy clouded my mind and made me take the gun and point it to my wife. But then I felt two small hands pulling the gun aside. Later I found out that the letter was from my wife’s grandmother. I thank the Holy Spirit for sending a little angel to save me from this horrible crime and for my wife forgave me for being such an idiot.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I was feeling sick and went to the bed early. I was dreaming. Suddenly I saw big colorful demons dancing around and singing like a chorus. I prayed to the Virgin of Guadalupe because I knew I wasn’t a big sinner after all and my bad deeds weren’t so bad that the devils should come after me. It seemed the Virgin protected me, because the demons began to dance away and escape through the window. I felt relieved. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving me from eternal fire.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
The demon of the gluttony possessed me and always whispered me “Oh, Lupe, how delicious it is!” So I kept eating and kept getting fat. My family was angry at me because I wouldn’t leave them anything to eat. One day I overate so much, I felt very bad. I prayed Saint Paschal Baylon for help, and he drove the demon away. So now I eat very little.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I thought my husband snored a lot. I couldn’t stand this noise. But one day when my husband was away I heard the same snore. I looked under my bed in fear and found out it was a house demon who slept calmly and snored with all his might. I sprinkled some holy water under the bed, and the devil ran away frightened. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because the devil didn’t come back. My husband is also grateful to the Virgin because he thought that it was me who snored.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
That night, a horrible demon came under the floor and began chasing me <...> with his ugly stinking snout <…> And the Virgin of Guadalupe appeared and ordered the demon to go back in hell. I’m thanking the Virgin for saving me.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
My horse always was docile <…> I saw a devil whispering it some bad things. <…> Thanks to Saint Francis the demon left my horse in peace.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández