Santiago Merino wanted to kill himself and fired a bullet, but it just scratched his head because he didn’t know how to handle a weapon. He thanks Saint Nicholas of Bari with this retablo for his intervention, and he’s feeling better now.
— tagged with “shooting”
Santiago Merino wanted to kill himself and fired a bullet, but it just scratched his head because he didn’t know how to handle a weapon. He thanks Saint Nicholas of Bari with this retablo for his intervention, and he’s feeling better now.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Francisco Robledo received bullets from a tenant when he arrived to collect his rent. He thanks Saint Francis because he only got a scratch on his hand and that lunatic has been arrested.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Evaristo Martinez got a bullet in his buttock for not paying his gambling debts. He thanks the Lord of the Wonders for his recovery and promises to not gamble anymore.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Being under the influence of drugs, El Pancho took out his pistol and shot El Abel. Seeing him in danger of dying, we entrusted him to the Lord of Chalma, and he saved his life.
Barrio Norte, Mexico City
May 1, 2000
Retablo by Luis Vilchis
Thank you, Holy Child of Atocha, for your favors. I was talking with Mariana about our decision to live together. We were staying near the cabaret where she worked and where we had met each other. Suddenly I felt acute pain in my chest. It was the Mariana’s ex-pimp who shot me. But thanks to the saint the bullet didn’t hit the heart but split my collarbone. After that I asked at my work to transfer me to Monterrey where we started our new life.
Lorenzo Lozada
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, 1962
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández
In 1915 in San Camilo my buddy caught me on the mat with his wife. He started to shoot at us. I give infinite thanks to Saint Raymond because bullets didn’t hit me. She took them all.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Virgin of Guadalupe, thank you for your favors. I got involved with a real psychopath without knowing it. Suddenly he became mad with no reason. He was speaking incoherently and asking me whom I’d been cheating on him with. I told my father about Javier but he answered me that it was my fault that I’d got mixed up with a man like him. In the end, Javier stripped me down, tied my arms around a tree and flogged me. My father was coming by, he saw Javier beating me and shoot him in the leg. I was saved.
Maria Zoto
Tlaxcala, 1969
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández
Virgin of Guadalupe, thank you for restoring my beloved husband’s health. He was dying because of this infection he got from the bullet. Holy Mother, Virgin of Guadalupe, I offer you this humble retablo thanking for this miracle.
Aurora Ramos
Toluca, Mexico, 1957
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández
I, Manuela Ruiz, at that dangerous moment entrusted myself to the Virgin of Guadalupe. The Virgin protected me and I shot my enemy down. Sincerely grateful.
San Nicolas de los Garza, 1917
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I was going back to my hut when suddenly a bandit jumped out on my way. He was going to hurt me. I thank the Virgin of the Solitude for giving me the courage to take away the pistol from the bandit and defend myself. I saved my life, and I have three kids who totally depend on me.
Apolonia T.
Chihuahua, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
1920, Zacatlan, my boyfriend was crying a serenade for me, and my daddy got annoyed, went out and started shooting at him. I thank the Holy Child of Atocha for my boyfriend got no bullet and my daddy only shot one mariachi.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for saving my son Julio. I sent him to take money from my friend. He didn’t come back for a long time and I went to find him. To my surprise, I found him lying on the ground. He had been attacked and shot. I dedicate this retablo to the brown-skin Virgin for saving him.
Felipe Lopez
Pachuca, Hidalgo, 1964
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández
January 1947, near the Guanajuato river, Tomas Ramirez was attacked by three men—two were beating him and the third man, with a gun, shot him in stomach. Tomas fell unconscious. The bullet remained inside. A surgery was performed to avoid any infection. Tomas entrusted himself to the miraculous image of Saint Francis of Paola and little by little got better. Now he’s offering this retablo to keep the miracle in mind.
Retablo by Gustavo Villeda