Alfredo Vilchis

Holy Heart, I thank you because my husband never found out that I used to get out quietly from the bed while he was sleeping very deeply and went to my brother-in-law’s room when he was visiting us. I ask for forgiveness since the flesh is weak and his youth made me feel the pleasure of being loved again. I fell into the sin because I felt forgotten by my husband when I really needed the love.

Desperate woman
Coyoacan, Mexico City — December 28, 2005

When on November 2, 1999 I had a heart attack I felt the death was very close. I asked the Virgin of Guadalupe to save me from dying. I was taken to the hospital in time so I could avoid a dangerous surgery and got better with intensive therapy. I bring you this retablo and thank you for letting me get to the year 2000.

San Angel, Mexico City — January 6, 2000

It happened in 1970, in San Lorenzo Tezonco. We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for our corn crop. In spite of strong frosts the year, it was very abundant. We were praying to you as we do every year, and now we thank.

Romula and Simon

I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because El Mistico won the wrestling championship over the Atlantis at the Arena Mexico.

Retablo by

We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for we have met the love and happiness in this house in beautiful Mexico. We have only pleasant memories of its culture and traditions and it will be forever in our hearts.

Victoir and Erve di Rosa
Lomas de Chapultepec, Mexico
August 2002

Erve di Rosa is a French artist and a Mexican culture lover. He helped Alfredo Vilchis to create his retablo book.

During the third bullfight at the arena Plaza Mexico, the Blueyed bull jumped over two barriers right over where we were sitting and almost fell on us. We implored the Angel of Justice and an armed man courageously pushed the bull out. I ordered this retablo for we avoided a tragedy.

Sunday, July 30, 1989

Virgin of Guadalupe, thank you for healing my husband Filimon from a horrible fever and diarrhea which he had after drinking too much for too long. He was dying and nothing seemed to help him. I entrusted him to you, and he’s recovered.

Dominga, December 21, 1934
Chimalistac, Mexico City

Virgin of Guadalupe, patroness of Mexico, empress of America, protect the USA and all the latin immigrants of all races and colors who come to that country to work honestly and earn their living, with the spirit and philosophy of Abraham Lincoln. Not let this idiot’s crazy ideas and threats to deprive them of their rights and liberty.

This humble artists A. V. R. asks you for that
Corner of the miracles, Minas de Cristo
Mexico City — May 22, 2016

When I got lost, I was attacked. They tried to take my taxi—my only way to earn money after I’d been fired from Ruta 100 (public transport company). I prayed the Angel of Justice, and the attackers suddenly ran away in fear without doing me any harm. I knew it was you, Angel, who scared them away. That’s why I offer this retablo to you, to the protector of all Mexico City’s taxi drivers. It happened in the biggest city in the world—Mexico City.

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Juana dedicates this humble retablo to the Lord of the Column for Juvencio who got five bullets in the stomach from the soldiers of the garrison at Celaya for having deserted. I found him almost dead and prayed the Lord for protection. He heard me, and I thank him with this retablo for what happened that morning on April 15, 1922.

I thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for all triumphs you granted to my wrestling idol—El Santo, The Silver Mask. I’ll keep telling his story because the art will never die.

A. V. R.
Minas de Cristo, Mexico City
February 4, 2008

Oh Saint God, thank for it was only a dream when the damned devil appeared to me and entered through the window. I ask for forgiveness and I swear I won’t cheat on my husband anymore.

Repenting wife J. R. C.
Condesa, Mexico City — February 14, 2000

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That day, February 13, 1944, the bull Zapatero hooked Silverio Perez between his legs and threw him over the head on the ground. Silverio got hurt badly. Then the bull kept dragging him all over the arena. We were all praying the Virgin of Guadalupe for Silverio. We were feeling his pain as ours because he had brought glory to us. We thanks for Silverio is recovered.

His fellow townsmen from Texcoco
May 10, 1944

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