Miguel Hernández

Señora Malena hit her head at the market. When she gained her consciousness she found out all the inhabitants turned into skeletons. <…> She thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for <…> everything was back to normal.

My sister and I worked playing and singing at the parties. One day we were hired for a beach party. When we arrived there, first we thought if was a masquerade party. But then we realized those were real skeletons dancing around, and there was the Devil himself playing the bongo. When they got distracted, my sister and I slipped away. We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because they didn’t follow us and because they’d paid us in advance.

The Day of the Dead, some skeletons came out their graves, got drunk and went to my farm which is near the cemetery. They made a real mess and scared the animals—my poor chicken and pigs. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe for protection, and she made a miracle. The rooster sang much earlier before the dawn, and the skeletons ran to their graves leaving us in peace.

I took Dorita for a boat ride down the river. I planed to read her some poetry and declare my love to her. But when we passed the old cemetery down the river we saw dead men. They had come out their grave and were dancing, gathering flowers and waving to us. Dorita was so frightened that I though she’d never accept my proposal after this ride. However, thank to the Virgin of Guadalupe she agreed to marry me despite everything.

We lived in a desolated place outside of the city, but the price was cheap. I felt fear when I had to walk to our house after work. One day a stray dog followed me. I tried to chase it away but when the dow look at me with its sad eyes, I let it go along. It accompanied me to the house and stayed with us. We bathed it and I even bought it a red color. Now the dog meets me every day at the bus stop when I get home from work and goes with me to the house. It does the same with my sister. We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for this warm company.

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The Death came to our fruit shop and sat there. We ran away in fear praying to the Virgin so the the Death wouldn’t take us. We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because the Boney ate a watermelon and then went away without touching us. We thank for saving us.

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The jealousy devil used to watch me with my fiancé and made so we were constantly fighting. One day we were about to quarrel when my dog began to growl and bark. The we saw the devil with our own eyes. The dog ran after him and bit his tail. After that incident the devil wouldn’t come back, and we have been living very happily ever since. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe.

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Martians were going to catch us, but we prayed to the Virgin and they couldn’t catch us. We thank for saving us.

The Telles family, 1971

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I used to have strange visions. I prayed the Holy Virgin and she delivered me from it.

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After I saw a ghost of a dead man I won’t touch ouija ever again.

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I spent months looking for a job and finally I found one—as an art model for painters. I liked to see how they were shaping my image with their brushes. But there was a problem. I felt chilly and froze for being naked without moving for hours. Thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe I found another job—in dry cleaning. Now I’m happy because it’s always warm there.

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The girl Carmelita Solares was riding her horse. Suddenly the animal reared up by seeing a horned vipers and the girl fell down. Her parents thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for nothing happened to her at the fall, and the viper didn’t bite her nor the horse. They offer this retablo as gratitude.

Thanks for everything.