Miguel Hernández

The top shelf of my wardrobe was possessed by a horrible nagual who didn’t even let me take my new shoes. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe for her intervention so that she would deliver me from this evil animal. And June 4, 1959, it disappeared.

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I travel all over the country with my carousel. I come to most forgotten villages. The children run to see the wonderful carousel, and I’m happy seeing their amazed faces, because usually they see something like this for the first time in their life. Who can, pays. Who has no money, also can ride a little bit. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for this job that allows me to travel and to bring happiness to the children.

My husband went fishing, but his boat never turned back because of a dense fog. Three days later a giant octopus dragged the boat pushing it with the tentacles. My husband was alive, and I thank the Virgin of the Rosary for that.

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I made big offerings to my late aunts, uncles and grandparents for the Day of the Dead. It was so nicely arranged and displayed, that even dead men came to look at it. The problem was that the dead men weren’t my relatives and I didn’t know them. I was frightened and I prayed to the Virgin of Guadalupe. She calmed the ghosts and sent them away, and they didn’t return.

The Death was riding bike down our street. We were frightened guessing whom he came after. We prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan for not letting the Death take anyone. The Holy Virgin heard our prayers, because we haven’t seen the Death in our neighborhood afterwards. Because no one died, we dedicate the retablo.

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When I was swimming I was attacked by a giant octopus. He chocked me with its tentacles, so I decided I’d gonna die. My strength gave out, I was losing my life, when suddenly the beam of light flashed from nowhere. The octopus let me go and I managed to escape. I swam to the shore. I thank the Virgin of the Solitude for this miracle.

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I thank the Virgin of San Juan for the privilege of keeping my own little paradise in my garden. My flowers and my birds help me to relax from the everyday life problems and bring me beauty and harmony.

I give infinite thanks to Saint Francis for giving me the magic ability to communicate with animals. Because of that I’m never alone. Wherever I go animals always found me and keep me a company.

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A nagual kidnapped my little son right from the cradle. But thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe the nagual didn’t carry him further than the cornfield. I came running and saw my baby who was sitting and playing with leaves. Also I saw the shadow of the nagual running away.

My fiancé Genaro and I had no money for the wedding. But he had a marvelous idea to get married during the Town Day holiday. So we had musicians and fireworks, and so many fun. And it cost us almost nothing. We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe.

I crashed into a wall. Thanks to the Virgin for nothing bad happened with me nor with my piglets. Although the truck was seriously damaged.

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Serafin was a very shy person. But the Virgin worked the miracle. So when I passed near by the stables I heard how he told his horse about his love sufferings and how he really loved me. [...] We’re going to get married.

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because my lions obey me without any problem. Thanks to that I have a success performing in circuses all around the country.

September 25, 1957

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