The pig Max keeps the animals subdued and makes them bring him corncobs. South Cross, help to cure him.

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Happy and thankful, I dedicate the present retablo to you, Virgin of Guadalupe, because viagra appeared in my life and this painful illness disappeared. Now I can satisfy my wife in bed as she likes it. My marriage is saved. In my age, I tried viagra, and we both enjoyed pleasure of it. We are very happy in our intimate life. Viva la Viagra!

Señor Chan
Santa Fe, Mexico City, 1999

Antonio and Angelica were fucking in the river when a crocodile attacked them. They implored Saint Nicholas of Bari whom they thank, with this retablo, for saving their lives, although Antonio lost a big toe.

My son Raulito swallowed a spider that seemed to be a very poisonous one. Only by a wonderful miracle of the Holy Virgin of San Juan nothing serious happened to my boy and he only got a stomach pain for a little while.

May 3, 1959

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My lady friend Lyuska V. who lives next door led a lewd lifestyle in her youth. Her husband doesn’t know about it. I thank my Guardian Angel for helping me to keep my mouth shut. Otherwise, I’d have got my head blown off.

Aunty Nyura

We thank God because the father Fray Tormenta won this fight so he could keep helping the children from the streets and helpless women who need his support. For his generosity and modesty we dedicate this to him, with all our hearts.

San Juan Teotihuacan — April 30, 1994

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Sofia Morales bought a very big mirror. Soon she began to see monsters in it. She prayed Saint Ignatius of Loyola, and the monsters finally disappeared. She thanks for that with this retablo.

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My Pepito was a very naughty boy. He didn’t like to study at all. His teacher couldn’t stand him and was about to expel him from the elementary school. I thank Saint John Bosco because my boy changed a lot. Now he’s studying. Al least he scored 6 points in the exam, so he might pass to another grade, after three attempts.

Jacinta Rodriguez / Tlaxcala

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I thank Saint Anthony for sending me the sugar daddy which I asked for. Though I wish he could find me a bearded one who would be much higher, handsome and not divorced.

Mexico City, 2018
Alison Saldibar

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My neighbors across the street, husband and wife, are alcoholics. He kicks her out of the house and throws things at her. Once an ashtray flew near my head. I thank my Guardian Angel for protecting me from an injury.

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When I was a little boy my father showed me a Godzilla movie. I was fascinated by this gigantic monster and became a fan of this kind of movies. I promised myself to go to Japan one day. With this retablo, I thank Saint Charbel with all my heart because thanks to my savings I could realize my dream and to know the city that my favorite monster destroyed in his movies.

Mexico City

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I give thanks to the Holy Virgin of the Solitude because Joaquin, my lover, could escape before my husband arrived avoiding a trouble. Now I appreciate my husband, and, from the bottom of my heart, I ask for forgiveness.

Mexico City, April 15, 1974
Gloria Lua M.

My children were splashing near the riverbank, and the little one slipped and fell into the current. Our dog reacted immediately and jumped to save her. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for having sent us such an intelligent and loyal dog. All our family can rely on him and we love him very much.

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