With all my heart, I thank Saint Anthony the Great for working the miracle that my horse El Patro’s back legs have been cured. They were broken and wouldn’t heal. Now he’s feeling very well and runs with great agility at the ranch. My dear friend El Patro.

Teodoro Garcia
Coahuila, 1969

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Since we needed money so badly, I decided—after noticing that the prostitutes from the Rosales street earned quite a good money—to try this thing. I put on a blouse in which I looked very beautiful, took my sister’s skirt, borrowed high heels shoes and went to the Rosales street. First, a horrible drunk old man hit on me. He wanted me to go with him but I ran from him. Then came the police and tried to put us in jail, but I managed to escape. I thank Saint Raymond, and I suppose it’s better to work in a bakery.

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I spoiled my dog by letting it eat from the table. When I married a marvelous woman, I was afraid she wouldn’t let the animal to eat with us. But instead, I found out she herself had two educated pigs who also eat from the table. I thank the Virgin of San Juan for we are one very happy family.

The barber Ernesto Carrasco was attacked in his own shop. He was defending himself and stabbed the attacked with the scissors. Ernesto thanks Saint Elias because they didn’t do anything to him for that and the attacker was arrested.

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I thank Saint Francis and dedicate this retablo because Arturo, the most handsome guy in our neighborhood, finally decided to dance with meat the disco because I had been worrying and had begun to think that he might be into the guys.

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The relatives of Eusebio Ramirez claimed him a crazy in order to get his money. Eusebio thanks Saint Nicholas for he was able to prove his sanity and got released.

Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for saving me from dying when the trapeze rope broke. In that dangerous moment I entered myself to you, and now I’m thanking you.

Paula Guzman
June 19, 1994

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My husband was constantly playing chess with his friend Lucas who was a big love of chess also. He didn’t pay me any attention, we didn’t go out. I thank Saint Anthony for he gave me an idea to learn chess myself instead of being bored. I have become so good, I outplay my husband. Since he doesn’t like to lose, now he prefers to go out with me or to take me to the movies.

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The lion tamer Pedro Garcia brings this retablo to Saint John Bosco thanking him for his lioness gave birth to two cubs without problems and complications.

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One night I was woken up by a strange noise in a living room. I went to see what it was and, to my fear, noticed a burglar who got into he house through the window. I hid myself behind the armchair and asked the Lord of the Wonders for his divine help. Suddenly it occurred to me to bark like an angry dog. The burger got scared and ran away without taking anything. I thank for that, with all my faith.

Gaudencio Tepox
Puebla, 1980

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We thank the Virgin of San Juan for having a very beautiful wedding, filled with music and happiness. Besides that, we love each other very much.

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I bring this retablo to the Lord of Chalma for the miracle that my boyfriend stopped drinking and fighting, to my relief and happiness.

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The Hairy thanks the Virgin for his tattoos.


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