— tagged with “Puebla”

I bring this humble retablo as a testimony of my eternal gratitude to Saint Paschal. Thanks to the good taste he gives to my food, I managed to win the first place in the regional mole contest. I was able to help to my congregation with the prize.

Sister Sagrario, Puebla

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The night before Day of the Dead, I woke up to drink a glass of milk. What a great fear I had when I saw a dead man eating from the altar we’d made for my grandfather. I implored the Lord of the Wonders so he would take and rest this soul. He heard my prayers, and it disappeared immediately.

Filiberto Cordero
Puebla, 1952

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With this humble retablo, I’m infinitely grateful to the Lord of the Wonders who, all these years I’ve been working as a midwife, has been guided my arms with his light to bring healthy babes to this world. May you be blessed.

Vicenta Tepox
Chignahuapan, Puebla

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1908, Just Romero had met a nagual on arrival to Zacatlan. He entrusted himself to Saint Charbel and now thanks him for the nagual didn’t catch him and only stole his turkey.

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I was quite depressed after my fiancé had cheated on me. I entrusted myself to Saint Anthony of Padua for delivering me of sorrow. Later I met a guy. He wasn’t from our places, and every time I was going to the church he tried to give me a flower. Eventually, he became my boyfriend. I’m very happy with my Pascual. He’s made me believe in love again. We are going to get married, and I dedicate this retablo for that.

Evaristo Huitzil
Cholula, Puebla, 1948

Rosito Lagaretta had a stomachache after eating his mother-in-law’s soup. He didn’t know she had tried to kill him and had poisoned the soup. When he found out about it, he asked Saint Cyprian for helping him get rid of his mother-in-law. One day she had a party and poisoned the orgeat syrup. But she was a fool to not know that Rosito doesn’t drink anything but beer. His mother-in-law and her daughter got drunk at the party and when they got thirsty they drank all the orgeat.

Now my wife rests in peace. I thank for her mother kicked the bucket alongside with her because I couldn’t stand her. She was treating me very badly.


Don Miguelito Arismendi was at the highest bell tower of the Puebla cathedral when he saw an UFO of about 10 meters in diameter. It was flying over the town and then stopped hanging in the air for three minutes. Many people saw this UFO. That moment, don prayed to Saint Michael the Archangel for nothing bad would happen. At the end the UFO went away. No sound of engine, no noise at all was heard. He dedicates this retablo.

August 24, 1967

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Felipe Ortega brings this retablo to the Holy Child of Atocha as gratitude for helming her from horrible pimples she got all over her stomach that even her belly button was inflated.

Tlatlauquitepec, 1928

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The bar “El Atorón” was at the point of bankruptcy. Eve flies didn’t visit it. But the lady-owner prayed to Saint Martin, and things went better again. She thanks the saint with this retablo for her place prosperity.

Gudelia Coyotzi
Cholula, 1939

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1945, Puebla, the baker Tiburcio Ruiz found himself in danger when he was almost bitten by a rabid dog. He entrusted himself to Saint James and was delivered from such horror. He thanks with this ratable because he got out safe and sound.

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The sisters Gertrudis and Refugio thank Saint Paschal because they sold all mole and chiles en nogada they had cooked to collect money for convent.

Puebla, 1949

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Juaquina Mendosa brings this retablo joyfully thanking the Virgin of Guadalupe for curing her husband’s rheumatism. He couldn’t walk, and now he dances.

Cholula, 1912

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for the miracle of my father getting better. We played football, and he fell and hit the back of his head. He lied almost like a dead man. I prayed the Virgin so he would survive. I offer this retablo as my gratitude.

Jose Chavez M.
Cholula, July 18, 1940

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