Virgin of Guadalupe, since Rude Perez became huge success, he changed to an irresponsible drunkard, womanizer and gambler. My Mother Holy Virgin, please make him behave well.
City of Nezahualcoyotl, State of Mexico
Virgin of Guadalupe, since Rude Perez became huge success, he changed to an irresponsible drunkard, womanizer and gambler. My Mother Holy Virgin, please make him behave well.
City of Nezahualcoyotl, State of Mexico
Retablo by Luz Cadena
I dedicate this exvoto to the Virgin of Guadalupe for the continuous success of “Taco Loco”. The food is always marvelous, the serves is excellent, and the atmosphere is relaxing and pleasant. I’ve very much enjoyed each meal I’ve had in “Taco Loco”.
Roger Becket \ Shelby Township
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
When I left my work, I was attacked by some slackers. I got scared and implored the Virgin of Guadalupe, and I was saved by a mister who heard my screams. I was delivered from being raped.
Virginia Moralez
Bellavista, Mexico City, November 1998
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for delivering me from dying being bitten by a rattlesnake when I was resting in the shadow of a cactus. Thanks for I reacted in time and was able to continue my journey, crossing this dangerous desert and getting well to the United States.
Angel H., Puebla, Mexico
March 16, 2013
Retablo by Luis Vilchis
A nagual came to us when we camped. Thanks for he didn’t hurt us.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Monso, a tamer by profession, thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for letting him successfully end his act after being attacked by his lion. He thanks for he managed to subdue the lion without anything bad happened, and he wholeheartedly asks to always protect him.
April 30, 1985
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
I thank my Virgin of Guadalupe with this exvoto for helping me and for giving me courage because I suddenly heard my chicken very unquiet. I came out and saw a huge and horrible beast that tried to eat them. I’m a widow and these chicken are my only livelihood, and I also sell eggs to my neighbors. Fortunately, I chased the horrible beats away.
Jasinta Salazar
The Miracle ranch, Jalisco, May 6, 1987
Retablo by Unknown artist #1
Every November 2, I go to the cemetery to visit my dead father and to bring him flowers and candles. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe with this retablo for, despite the modern age and the passage of time, this beautiful tradition didn’t go away. We remember our dear ones who are not with us physically anymore, and it gives us hope to see them again one day.
San Andres Mixquic, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I give infinite thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving my husband from dying from this horrible coronavirus that he caught while driving in his taxi. Now he’s feeling good, and I thank for that and wholeheartedly ask to always protect him.
October 17, 2019
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
I give immense thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe who helped me when I fell of the boat and fainted. My dog Othello jumped into the water and drugged me until I gained my senses back and was able to get out.
Akumal, 2019
Retablo by Carlos Hurtado
Thanks for nothing happened to us that night when the skeleton came.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I’m thankful and grateful to the Virgin of Guadalupe for giving me the opportunity and for opening the eyes of my animal side to be able to communicate with the natural world. Thanks because I’ve met my soul mate and my life now is filled with love and positive vibes. Eric the octopus and I dedicate this retablo.
Tulum, 1986
Retablo by Carlos Hurtado
My gratitude to the Virgin of Guadalupe for looking after me in the fights.
Retablo by Jorge Bonola